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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "The Mouth"--Sunday 14-Jan-2024)

The mouth is the spokesperson of the heart and ambassador of the mind. It communicates either life-giving or life-taking word. The wise/righteous embraces the former and the fool/wicked takes the latter.

The lifestyle of the wise/righteous is reading, studying, remembering, and sharing God's word. Security is the outcome of the integrity of their heart due to God-fearing posture in their life. So they are upfront or straightforward in their communication. They are convicted that God's wisdom is supreme. It is more precious than gold (God's natural resources) or banknotes (government's legal tender notes/paper money--God's natural resources, too) or crypto (people's money made/run by silicon/microchips, which is from sand--again God's natural resources). Thus, they desire to store up or acquire God's knowledge. With all they get, they want to get understanding of His word, His will, and His plan in their life of which they can't just be hearers only, but must be doers of His life-giving word.

On the contrary,  the habit of the fool/wicked is babbling their own ideas instead of reading, studying, memorizing, and living out God's commandments. Their mouth (possibly without awareness) talks of one thing, but their walk is on another path. They constantly struggle with double-mindedness. Though they get tired with their self-help philosophies/mindset, they do not wholeheartedly repent and fully surrender to the Lord. They keep trying harder to be better and believing in the "I can do it" (false) gospel. Little do they know why it is so. They are not aware that their expected satisfaction is rooted in wanting to be wise in their own eyes. Like Adam-Eve, they interpreted God's word and God-given life and resources through their own "self-deceived" lens, which is made out of ungodly knowledge, worldly understanding, secular intelligence, the fear of men, and seeking acceptance/approval of men rather of Jesus--the ultimate embodiment God's wisdom that is available to those who have the fear of the Lord, believe, and follow Him.

The wise/righteous walks by faith and not by sight (their own eyes) for they know that out of abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). So they need to get "the spokesperson of the heart" and "the ambassador of the mind" captured by the mind of Christ and be submitted to the heart of Jesus. And the life-giving word--the Gospel of Jesus Christ will flow out of their mouth in all settings (i.e. home, offices, marketplaces, etc.), for their ID card/Passport says, "A Disciple of Jesus" (a.k.a. "Christian") and their role shows, "Ambassador of Christ.

Now one question remains: Do people around us have enough tangible evidences to convict us so? Each of us is responsible to answer that to Jesus--the Savior of our soul and the Lord of our life.


Pastor Lap

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