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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Do not; Let not; Be not”—Sunday 18-July2021)

Wisdom from on high is not like street-smart from below. God’s wisdom is God’s “smoothie” of truth and grace for us. His wisdom is found in the person of Jesus Christ. Whoever believes and follows Him is on the path of wisdom. It begins with a relationship with God as our Heavenly Father and we are his beloved children who are in Christ Jesus. It is a journey of a transformative heart that instead of keeping its own cultural/upbringing/tradition/rules, it keeps God’s teaching/counsel/commandments. On this journey, God’s peace will be added to God’s children whose heart holds fast God’s word. Alright, I got it. But how practically can I practice or exercise Proverbs 3:1-8? This is for you to pray for and ponder on and take action. However, I thought a few practical scenarios or examples might be helpful as appetizers for you to further examine and reflect on your personal/family/communal life.

When someone is hot tempered or easily get offended with anything/anyone, he/she naturally acts based on their temper which is likely a mix bag of many factors from childhood to current time. Whatever excuses one might have, it usually boils down to one’s forgetfulness of God’s teaching (e.g. Eph 4:31; Col 3:8) on anger and unwillingness to keep His commandments (e.g. Eph 4:26; 1Tim 2:8). As result, hot temper can cause physical problems, e.g. blood pressure to rise, irregular heartbeat; to emotional complication, e.g. stress, self-condemnation, violent toward self and others, depression, etc; and to spiritual issues, e.g. feeling guilty or shameful, boredom, tiredness, no zeal, no interest in fellowship because anything or anyone could trigger anger. As a result, peace is very absent (even non-existent) and not present in one’s life due to “shattered/broken” relationships with family or loved ones When someone is hiding from God (because of their sin/guilt/shame) by isolating his/herself from fellowship with the Body of Christ, he/she (without knowing it) is in a way letting God’s steadfast love and faithfulness forsake them. People who are hiding naturally do not feel love from God and others even God’s love and others' love remain the same. They just disconnect with the Source—Jesus and the Body—other members. It is hard for them to receive favor/grace even if it is available to them. They forsake God’s steadfast love and faithfulness that was made available to them in Christ Jesus and His Body.

When someone trusts/lean on their own understanding and wants to be wise in their own eyes, he/she decides to walk on the path of foolishness (might not be in the world’s eyes, but) in God’s sight. The problem is that it oftentimes takes a while for people “who are wise in their own eyes” to taste their own foolishness. And usually the consequences can range from pain to heart-brokenness to irreversible effects. In the last five years, I witnessed three broken marriages and divorces from Christian friends that I know who seemed to be matured and wise. Any divorce is heartbreaking to God as well as to both parties and even to the next generation. A divorce usually involves foolishness of one person or two parties. Another instance is, in married life, when a wife gets upset with her husband because he is lazy in leading the family spiritually or providing for the family, she might be inclined to nag or guilt trip or complain about it with unrestrained emotions. As a result, the husband doesn’t want to do it because he views it as disrespect or “blackmail.” So both enter a tug-of-war. Nothing moves. Nothing refreshes. Nothing is peaceful. And everything starts deteriorating. It begins with relationship that can virtually breaks almost anything from bowls/plates to windows and bones, to hearts and marriage and home. The list does not stop there. It will carry on to the next generation, unless people/we unlearn the foolishness (that is lingering in each of us) and learn the wisdom of God by binding His word or teaching or counsel or commandments around our neck and write them on the tablet of our heart. So let each of us (review Proverbs 3:1-8 and fill the blank): “Do not__________” “Let not__________” “Be not__________”

Pastor Lap

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