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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Ambition”—Sunday 31-Oct-2021)

ife is arguably vitalized, in the context of Romans 15:14-21, by these three ‘vitamin’ S.E.A.

1.) How is your current level of vitamin S(atisfaction)?

What makes you satisfied in life? You may say that there might be different stages of life satisfaction. It might be true. What makes a toddler satisfied is quite different from what makes an adult satisfied. But if you pause for a moment, reflect, and ask yourself, “What is the most important thing in my life?” (Don’t rush, make/take your time). Then ask, “Does doing the most important thing in my life make me satisfied ultimately/completely?”

2.) Do you have any vitamin E(vangelization)? It is often said, “If we don’t evangelize the world with the gospel, we will be evangelized by the world.” Pause for a moment and think this through. Everyday we are being evangelized by the world in a hundred ways, from morning to evening, from the first thought that pops into your heard to notifications in our phones, from social media to clubs, from work places to resting places. If we, Christ’s followers, do not live a Christ-centered or Gospel-centered life, we either live a self-centered or world-centered life. Whether you like it or not, there is no neutral ground.

3.) Have you been checking your vitamin A(mbition)? Ambition is what you are motivated or aspiring to do. Ambition is like fire. It can burn down a house or build up a home. What ambition aims at or gears toward will make it either destructive or constructive. Sit down, find a quiet place, make yourself a comfort drink, and ask, “What is my true ambition in this life?” Write them down and bring them/talk to the Lord. It might be a few scattered things. Then ask yourself again, "Will your ambition bring your satisfaction now and when your life on earth is about to come to an end? Your answers do not have to be the right one (at least for the moment), but they need to be real honest, because the worse form of deception is being self-deceived! Give yourself whatever time you need, then reread (slowly and reflectively) Romans 15:14-21 (and if necessary, do listen again the audio message at and see how your ‘vitamin’ S.E.A. line up with God’s word.

May you be honest with yourself and the Lord your God. May you find your answers in Him. Enjoy your conversations with the Lord!

In Jesus,

Pastor Lap

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