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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Wisdom Created & Blessed”—Sunday 20-Aug-2023)

Those who stay vigilant and wait upon God’s presence are wise and will be blessed. Why? Because fools are the naive/simple who are ‘open-minded’. They are open to anything and see themselves as free-thinkers (who are in fact being enslaved by their ungodly thoughts) or 'advanced’ human beings, who no longer need to be bound by God’s instructions. Little do they know that they lack discerning of what is godly and ungodly. Since they don't pay attention to His word, they don't heed His instructions. As a result, they are wise in their own eyes. In other words, they are intentionally open to worldly ideas and unknowingly closed to godly wisdom. So the decisions they make tend to be reactive or according to their natural instinct (which is sinful by nature) instead of godly disciplines that are formed by those who have the fear to the Lord and practice God’s word. Those who rush into things without checking with the Lord and putting their decisions on God’s word are foolish and will rob themselves from God’s blessing. ‘Rushy’ folks usually get hit by their own sinful desires. They are lured by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. They are either unaware of it or ignore warnings, since they are open to anything, especially things that make them happy. They are brain-washed by “the pursuit of happiness” cultures, instead of “the pursuit of holiness in Christ” teaching from God’s whole and wise counsel. And those who are wise seek God's wisdom and they will find life and obtain favor from the Lord. Conversely, fools don’t and they injure themselves, for they do not love and are haters of God’s wisdom. Thus, they love death.

Those five virgins (cf. Luke 25:1-13) who stayed vigilant and waited are the wise and blessed. They were prepared. They anticipated. They stayed humble because they knew they cannot dictate nor predict the time of the Bridegroom’s coming. Their posture and attitude were worshipful. People around them might blame them for not sharing the oil with the foolish ones, who also seemed to be eager to meet the “Bridegroom,” but they did not take the meeting seriously. They took no oil with them. Reflecting on this story, what separates the wise from the fool is this. The wise ones stayed vigilant and waited upon the Lord. They took the meeting seriously and prepared for it. When was the last time you took the Sunday meeting seriously and prepared for it? When was the last time you asked the Lord and sought out His will before making important decisions? What was the last time, you surfed the internet with vigilance? When was the last time, you know you were at peace with the Lord while waiting for His voice or response or answer or direction? If it has been your lifestyle and ongoing practice, praise the Lord. If it has been a while, repent and heed God’s word and practice it daily.

Staying vigilant and waiting upon the Lord’s presence is arguably the litmus test of our trust, obedience, and humility. Check your heart and examine your life, will you?

In the fear of the Lord,


Pastor Lap

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