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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Impartiality & Witnesses" and "Impartiality & Baptism" (Sundays 28-Apr & 5-May, 2024)

The impartiality of God had been displayed to humankind. From the Creation (when He created a perfect world with human beings who were given freewill to obey or disobey Him) to the Fall (when humans decided to disobey); from Salvation (the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit endowment) to Restoration (the returning of Jesus, the final judgement and glorification).

The creation demonstrated this. Diversity in unity is His majestic creative theme. The Fall showed that His word had always been true. People have freedom of choice, but no freedom from consequences. In His mercy, God chose a people, called them, and delivered out of the oppression from other people.

The Law that He gave to His people through Moses was open for anyone, even non-Israelites, who believed in the Lord Yaweh and decided to follow Him by abiding and living according to His instructions. No one is above God’s Law. Although He is the Law Maker, He did not alter nor break, but rather fulfill it by sending His Son—Jesus, who is the Savior of the world.  Whoever believes in Him, Israelites or non-Israelites, will be saved from eternal damnation.

The Salvation through Jesus Christ is for everyone, who decides to follow Him by abiding and living according to His word. In short, He redeems His people and saves those who believe in Him through the Law and through Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the Law.  And the baptism in the Holy Spirit and in water to anyone who believes- whether Jews or Gentiles had demonstrated God’s impartiality from the Salvation to Restoration.

The unwavering impartiality of God through His Word and His Son—Jesus, evident throughout Scripture and witnessed by both past and present recipients, prompts reflection. What implications does this steadfast consistency hold for us today?

For the obvious ones, we ought to live the same, that is, every thought and emotion and action need to reflect the impartiality of God. And the Great Commission, leading others to Jesus and praying that they will be publicly declared outwardly from the inward change through water baptism and having experienced a “no expiry” gift in Acts 1:8—the Spirit-empowerment to be witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For the non-obvious ones, the tendency of our soul will gravitate to favoritism (sub/conscious) which needs to be constantly monitored by daily/weekly examination individually and communally.

May the impartiality of the Lord be the reality of our life at home, in church, and extended to workplaces and beyond.

Pastor Lap

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