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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “The Image” — Sunday 11-Oct-2020)

It is for such a time like this that we all need words of encouragement and assurance that are not based on self-help resources or motivational speeches. They must be based on the Word of the Lord our God. It is good to be reminded by these five assurances that are drawn out from Romans 8:26–30.

#1. God knows our weaknesses. We should not be shameful/guilty (we are not talking about unrepented sins). God does not look at our weaknesses and laugh at us or mock us, especially when we are humble and seeking His help. The Holy Spirit, God Himself, dwells in believers to “co-help” them in the process of sanctification, including pointing them back to God’s Word which is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:15–17)” and comforting them in present pain/suffering. When we try to hide/burry our weaknesses (and pretend that we don’t have it), we are on “self-help” track. But when we expose our weaknesses to the Holy Spirit who will always be sufficient even when our words are insufficient, we are on “co-help” path, working in line with the Word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit.

#2. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us. It is the sole work of the Holy Spirit who brings our deep (unspeakable) emotions before God the Father. We are assured that even things that are so unspeakably painful, the Spirit will intercede for us, not according to our will but His. Sometimes we minister or serve others best when we simply be by their side, speak God’s word, and let the Spirit does the mending/comforting work.

#3. We are assured that those who love God and those who are called according to His purpose will experience that all things “co-work” for good in their lifetime. In other words, good outcome is based on “co-working” between God and His people. We are assured that God still speaks to us through His word, His Son, His Spirit today. The question is, are we listening and obeying His voice?

#4. We are made in the image of God but are marred by sin. Those who know Him and are known by him will be destined to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Meaning, we bear the image of Christ and are on the path of becoming Christlike. What we believe and how we live should reflect the image of Christ. And not only so, since we are “co-heir” with Christ, we are assured to have the “first born” right of God’s blessing and inheritance. So when worry or anxiety or fear of all kinds find its presence in our life, we are reminded that we are in the process of being conformed to the image of Christ.

#5. We are assured that the “predestined” are the “called.” And the “called” are the “justified.” And the “justified” are those who will be “glorified.” In the context of suffering, it is not a curse when Christ’s followers face trials or tribulations or suffering, but instead it is a glorification process. Why? It is because the glory of God had been demonstrated at the cross of which, it is “a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but is the power of God to those who are being saved (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:18, 23). Practically speaking, if you hear God’s voice, do not harden your heart. If you are called, you know that God had chosen you. And if you know that you are chosen, you should remind yourselves that you are being justified before God’s perfect law by faith in Jesus and not by your good works (of the law) or social good deeds.

May the above assurances that we receive from the triune God grant us peace and life in/through Christ Jesus.


Pastor Lap

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