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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Being Seized” — Sunday 16-Aug-2020)

We know that through the Law we were being seized by its commandments (Romans 7:7–8). We also know that sin entices, deceives, and kills us — cutting us off from having relationship, communion, fellowship with the Triune God (cf. Romans 7:9–11). Furthermore, we cannot change, edit, delete the Law, because it is holy, righteous, and good. And the question Paul (and everyone) had asked, “Did that which is good, then, bring death to me?” And the answer, “By no means (May it never be). So how? “It was sin, producing death in me through what is good, in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure (Romans 7:13).”

Okay. We agree, want to, and have to die to the Law, so that sin no longer can have the opportunity to seize us and condemn us under God’s law. But how practically can we apply this into our daily life?

The answer seems to lie in the “marriage” metaphor (cf. Romans 7:1–3). Let’s unpack it again. There was a woman who was married to a husband (the Law of God) and he is always perfect and good. So not single a moment that a woman found herself holy, righteous, and good because she cannot live up to his standard — which is holy, righteous, and good. There came along another man (the Son of God). This man is not only holy, righteous, and good but also gracious, loving, and merciful. He did not come to break the Law or kill the “old” husband (to take her away). He came to fulfill all the requirements of the Law. Now the woman who was married to her current husband (the Law) cannot just leave him and go marry the new man (the Son), because if she does, she will commit adultery which will result in death (according to the Law). So what can she do? She needs to die to the current husband (the Law), because death will set her free from the demands of her current husband (the Law) so that when she is raised from death (with the Son), she is now lawfully married to the new Husband — Jesus Christ who is not holy, righteous, and good but also gracious, loving, and merciful. He will not condemn her whenever she sinned . The problem that often occurred was that she often felt bad that He is so good and I am so bad. So I am not worthy of His love, grace, and mercy. And in her own “fallen” mind,” she thinks to herself that she needs to go back to the “old” husband (the Law) in order to please she “new” husband (the Son)!? This has been the scenario of many Christians who are struggling with sin.

Alright. I’ve got it. But “how can I proceed from here? The Law is still there and we are still alive. The old husband is still here. My body is still alive. How to die to the Law? The reality is that I still have to obey the Law and still struggle with sin. If I fight day and night with sin, how can I say that I have really died to the Law?” (Asked by someone)

The answer lies in this questions, “How can a woman stay married and faithful to her “new” husband (the Son of God) even though she is likely still struggling with sins (e.g. anger, covetousness, sexual temptations/immorality, etc) and wanting to go back to the “old” husband (the Law of God)?” So whenever she sinned, she should not just “stay” in sin with the “old” husband” (the Law), because she is being condemned under him. Guilt, shame, and fear were part of her life. Therefore, she must repent and “die” to the “old” husband (the Law). And then, according to the Law, she will be set free as long as she stays married with the Son and does not go back to the “old” husband (the Law).

Now how do we know that we have died to the Law (so that sin no longer has a grip on us)? The simple sign is that we no longer crave for a sin (e.g. lust, covetousness) and it no longer has power on us. For example, if someone who was lustful toward the opposite/same sex, struggling with it every day, and committing sin from time to time, then this person is still being seized by sin through the Law. Now imagine this person who dies to the Law by giving up his “craving for sin” to Jesus, submitting his will to Christ, staying with the Lord. This person will begin to stay married with Jesus. Obedience and enslavement to Christ and His word are evident from this person’s lifestyle. This person will no longer want to go back to sin. And even when (not if) he/she does, he/she quickly realizes his/her sins and immediately return to Jesus. So surrendering our will to the Son is key to victory in the struggle/battle with sin under the Law.

May we all mindfully, emotionally, spiritually know, feel, sense the love, grace, and mercy of the Son of God — Jesus Christ everyday, so that none of us wants to live in sin, go back and stay with the Law.

Let’s stay “married” to Jesus and stay faithful to Christ.



Pastor Lap

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