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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Wisdom Builds"--Sunday 17-Sep-2023)

As the Creator of both the observable or non-observable universe, He had revealed His infinite knowledge and wisdom, and made them tangible and practical for those who believe totally; trust Him completely; and build their lives with His Wisdom, not being driven by the world's insidious urges.

The world urges people to build their life according to their patterns. It is fairly easy since humans are innately sinful. All it takes is to make a luring offer. People mess up their life, because they mess up their priority in life. Satan is laughing when people try to structure their life with themselves in the center of all of life's activities. Because the Devil knows that it doesn't matter how hard people work; how much wealth they want accumulate; how famous they dream to become; and how high they long to reach their dreamed career path, people will never be satisfied, for life is all about them. And this is the structure of life that is designed to be collapsed. However, this kind of structure paints an illusive picture of provision. But in fact, it always has a string attached. Satan is rejoicing when people put themselves first before the Lord.

Okay, I got it. But how do I know if my life is self-centered? Well, there are a few indicators that can shed light into your finding. Warning! It can be painful and tearful as you might see an ugly face in the mirror of your soul. However, it can be liberating as you see hope of breaking free from life, orbiting around the unable-to-be-satisfied-self and taste the transformative power of God's wisdom through Christ Jesus in your life.

One clear indicator is your calendar. Look at it and see for yourselves if the Lord is the center of your daily plan. Is His wisdom/word structuring the core framework of your thoughts, feelings, and lifestyle?

Another one is how wholeheartedly you believe in God's provision? If you do, anxiety/worry will not be residing in your home. Although they still pass by sometimes, but you won't invite them to have a long-term stay.

Connection and not isolation. This indicator shows you how wise and faithful you live your life. Are you a faithful steward of His resources in spreading the ultimate embodiment of God's wisdom--Jesus Christ.

Responses. Check out how well you have been responding to God's clear commands. Examine how willingly you take action on God's instructions regardless of how you feel. And do pay attention to how quickly you respond to God's invitation of partaking His wisdom in the multitude of the world's enticing invites.

May the Holy Spirit continue to prune us as we continue to surrender our life to the wisest Builder of all time--Jesus Christ.


Pastor Lap

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