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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Hearing & Understanding”—Sunday 25-Apr-2021)

Do you have life’s direction? Some people follow the call of their heart. Others follow the call of others. Yet others follow nothing and have no direction, they just let their life float around, for they hear nothing.

Our life’s direction depends on our hearing and understanding of God’s living Word. Hearing always requires obeying which generates our understanding, and of which draws us closer to Jesus and drives us to Christlike path and the direction that is in line with God’s will and plan. It is an ongoing process. It requires the hearers to earnestly seek Him; to patiently hear and obey His voice by reading the “logos” (Word) day after day; and to willingly heed or take action on the “rhema” (Word) week after week. And then the hearers’ life’s direction takes shape after years of hearing, obeying, and understanding of God’s word, His will, and plan for their life.

Although this is a fairly simple thing to do, it is easier said than done. Why? It is simply because of the will/plan or desire of our heart. They usually get in the way. They usually speak a different message to our soul. They hinder the “rhema” of the Lord, which has been spoken to our life week after week on Sunday, and prevent (or at best delay/distract) the outworking of His word in our life. Our ears are not ‘tuning in’ to the things of the Lord as our heart is ’turning in’ to the things of this world. When this happens, our heart hears the call of the world and our mind will find rationales/reasons to actualize the call. For example, if you hear the call in life to pursue happiness, then your life’s direction will always find ways to attain it. And when you can’t have it- it’s just a matter of time, disappointment, heart-brokenness, despair, and hopelessness are the natural consequences. Now if you hear the call to live a Christlike life, then hearing and understanding God’s word are crucial to your life. What you hear, you will do. The doing in your life is the outworking of your obedience unto the Lord. Your understanding blossoms because of your willingness to obey. Your thoughts and feelings will be in line with God’s will/plan your life. Your heart and mind are being transformed to Christlikeness. And since you have yielded to the Spirit, who is the Reminder of God’s ‘rhema’, the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) will be evident in your life. You and others will be able to ‘taste’ it. As a result, your life’s direction is charted by God's word that you have heard and understood. These are the building blocks of your life where your responses and actions are banked on. We are told (cf. Proverbs 4:7; 16:16; 23:23) that with all our acquiring, to get understanding is better than gold/silver. We are to treasure it. Do not sell it, but keep acquiring wisdom, instruction, and understanding of God’s living word. Do you have life’s direction? If ‘yes’, what is it? If ‘no’, do not be ashamed, but humbly make time and spend quality time with the Lord, write down what your heart/mind has been “fooling” you by trying to speak to you a different message, then compare it with what the Word (“logos + rhema”) of the Lord had been speaking to you but your hearing and understanding might have been dulled for years due to your “ethos” (habits embedded with beliefs) of being “disobedient and contrary” to the life-giving Word.

Practically, you should also ask yourself the following questions, “When was the last time you went to bed early on Saturday, so that you you can come to church early to attend prayers meetings (which “the flesh” shouts, “boring” or “not comfortable”), soak yourself in God’s presence in praise/worship (not lip sync or doing ‘karaoke’), expect to hear God’s word (regardless how pleasant or difficult they are), take good notes and intend to apply/do it (and not just hear only)? When was the last time you attend small groups, i.e. Bible study, men/women’s fellowship? When was the last time you shared your faith to non-believing friends? What was the last time you testified before the Body of Christ, your local church? When was the last time, you are totally comfortable to share the Good News of Jesus to your online/social media friends? When was the last time you hear God’s word, you instantly did it, and you knew that you have understood His word/will/plan for your life?

May the above questions not drive us away, but draw us closer to the Lord Jesus. May our honest answers find rest in His grace.

Pastor Lap P.S. There is a correlation between our humility, hearing. and understanding. When our humility increases, our hearing and understanding grow!

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