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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “The Unstoppable”—Sunday 6-Aug-2023)

It is not possible! How can being counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name—Jesus Christ possible? Is this true? Is what we saw in Acts 5:17-42 livable in our life today? It is not possible for those who are religious spectators who don’t want to be equipped and to serve (since they are not sure who are the ‘saints’—cf. Ephesians 4:12). It is unthinkable for those who think following Jesus is about having a (free) ticket to heaven, so they have the desire to live a Christlike lifestyle. It is shameful for those who think the Gospel of Jesus is about to making one’s life prosperous and suffering-free. It is incomprehensible for those who are self-centered and view Christianity as a “bless me” religion.

Now it is possible and livable to those who are “The Unstoppable.” They are those who encountered Jesus and have an intimate personal relationship with Jesus. They are those who commit to the Head—Jesus and His Body—the local church. They are those who read Jesus’ word and live it out as they are being matured in Christ, growing in the Body, and fulfilling the Great Commission. They are those who fear not restriction or imprisonment because of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. They are those who, though respectfully submit to the governing authorities, cf. Romans 13, obey God rather than men on the issue of faith and teaching of Jesus. The Unstoppable are those who believe God’s sovereignty in the Bible and witness in their own life Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection by reading and believing wholeheartedly the divinely inspired Scriptures—the Holy Bible (66 Books). They are those who call and put Jesus as their Leader in every aspect of life, not only church on Sunday. They are those who know for sure that Jesus is the only Savior in the world and in their life and there is none like Him. They have no doubt about this in the way the live. They are those whose obedience, repentance, and forgiveness are tangible and evident in their daily life. They obey God’s word in every area of their work/home life. They repent daily as they cry out to their Lord for help, for their flesh is weak. They joyfully receive God’s forgiveness through Christ as they willfully and decisively consider joy when they forgive someone—regardless of how challenging that might be. They are those who have the fear of the Lord in their life, understanding God’s plan prevail over human’s ideas/attempts. The Unstoppable are those who count their life worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name, Jesus Christ. The more they are banned from speaking the Name, the more they continue to teach and preach that Jesus is the Christ—the crucified, resurrected, ascended, and returning King Jesus.

One caveat remains. It is understandable that not everyone will be unstoppable. It is okay to admit that not every Christian will live out what they believe. It is okay to admit that there are more ‘church-goers’ (religious spectators) than disciples of Jesus Christ. It is okay to admit that sharing Jesus is still scary to many who have no problem sharing with the world about what they recently bought/own/ate. It is okay to confess that not every Christian is going to rejoice and count worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name, Jesus Christ. It is, though painful to read, written, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven (Matthew 7:21).” Thus, it is fathomable that there are more Christians who want to do their will rather than God’s will. So is it livable? ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. It is ‘yes’ to those who are the Unstoppable and ‘no’ to those who the Stoppable. May the Lord our God continue to empower the former and have mercy on the latter. Amen.

Pastor Lap

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