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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “The Sent, The Lost, The Word”—Sunday 18-Apr-2021)

Although a typical person born into this world does not automatically know what life is about and what is the purpose of life, he/she continues to do business as usual, (i.e. goes to school, finds a job or builds a career, stays single or get married and raise up kids), lives overseas or home country, and tries to enjoy life (and minimize miseries) till death comes. Life seems meaningless and purposeless when considering death which every human being (animals, plants, and probably the whole creation) will face sooner or later.

Although a typical prisoner who was put into a prison knows how did he/she end up there, his/her life’s purpose and meaning seem to come to an end, especially when it is a life-sentence or death-penalty. Now even if the sentence is short, he/she will be moved from a small cell/prison to a larger "prison of life" where a typical person pursues life till death comes.

So what is the point of living when death is the endgame?

Without God, life is like a "prison" no matter what we do or where we are, even in another planet. Life is meaningless without God. Some may ask when then is the difference between people who know God and those who don’t? The big difference is in knowing that life has its purpose and meaning, because it was defined and given by the Author of life, God the Creator. Thus, knowing God is knowing how to live a life that was given to those who believe in Him. Now although believers still do pretty much the same thing as a typical (non-believing) person, it is no longer "business as usual" because of what God’s Son, Jesus Christ, did for them. They know deep in their heart their “business-as-usual” life (before knowing Jesus) was “crucified, buried” with Christ and “resurrected” with Him. The life they are living right now is not of their own, but of Christ. This means, their hours in school, day in and day out at work and home, week by week at church, months after months in their profession or vocation or career, and years on this planet find its meaning and purpose in Christ Jesus who called them to be “fishers of men” who speak/preach/proclaim the [only] Name under heaven and earth that not only has the power to save (after the first physical death which everyone will face) those who believe from the second death (which is an eternal state of the soul being tormented consciously and eternally), but also grant the followers of Jesus Christ the unbreakable joy of living, regardless of life’s circumstances and the unshakable hope in life, regardless how hopeless life will be.

Without the Good News of Jesus, we all are “prisoners” of sin and life is like a very large prison that “inmates” are simply being transferred from one prison cell to another in different locations. Life is futile without Jesus. Life is miserable and pathetic without the very Good News by which everyone who believes will be be saved. But, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10:14-15)”. A few questions are at hand, Will you dare to live meaningfully and purposefully for Christ? Do the lost souls bother you? Are you willing to turn your “business as usual” into “business unusual: being fishers of men?” Do you see yourself as “the sent” one who might be the only person whom “the lost” has the opportunity to hear “the rhema” (word) of Christ in his/her lifetime? Do you really believe life is beautiful (not in your eyes, but God’s) when it is fully lived for the Good News (cf. Romans 10:15), “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Do you really trust His word (Romans 10:17), “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word [rhema] of Christ?” Did you know that it is not your responsibility or failure if others heard God’s word and chose not to obey the Good News (cf. Romans 10:16)?”

One response remains unknown, “Here I am, send who?” Will it be, “Lord, here I am, send me” or “Lord, here I am, send others, please.”

May the fear of the Lord grant you the wisdom to live the rest of your life with the right posture and response to the call.


Pastor Lap

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