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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “The Wisdom”—Sunday 28-Aug-2022)

Like a mirror before our face, the Word of the Lord through apostle James (3:13-18) shows us the two ‘faces’ of wisdom, the ‘earthly’ (sinful nature) one and the ‘heavenly’ (Christlike nature) one.

Earthly wisdom is characterized by bitterness, jealousy, selfish ambition, boasting, falsehood, and it is unspiritual, and demonic. And when this kind of wisdom is being exercised, we will see disorder and vile practices. We can see that in society which comes from community, which comes from homes. If a child experiences and witnesses this at home, he/she will carry it to the school, workplace, community (including church), society, and to the world.

Heavenly wisdom is characterized by purity/holiness, peaceableness, gentleness or meekness, openness to reason (having a godly/sound mind), fullness of mercy, good fruits, impartiality, and sincerity. When this kind of wisdom is being practiced, we will see righteousness (of course, by faith in Jesus) and peace-making (in/through Christ). If a child sees and learns this from home and church, he/she will bring it to wherever he/she goes. Though we are in no way near perfection and will never be till Christ takes us or returns, our heart's desire is to exercise, practice, and live out God’s wisdom in everything we do under the sun.

Need an example? Here is one. Imagine someone in your workplace is not happy with what you have, a promotion perhaps or the way your boss or others treat you better or who knows-- it could be a million reasons. Now because of jealousy and perhaps selfish ambition, that individual spreads some ‘rumors’ about you which is either a lie or oftentimes partial truth or one-sided story. The relationship between you and your boss and other coworkers begin to fracture. And either you and the other party did not do anything to address it, forgive one another, and seek reconciliation. Overtime, either one or both of you will somewhat gather seeds of bitterness and it’s just a matter of time before the heart/mind will be rooted in bitterness. And we are warned, “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled…(Hebrews 12:15).” So what am I supposed to do, you may ask, to exercise ‘heavenly’ wisdom in this earthly scenario? Well, we can’t do anything unless Christ and His word is being planted into our heart and mind. Wisdom of God is not only for us to agree on. It needs to be put into practice regardless of how we might feel. This is not to say that our feelings are invalid. They are valid but our life cannot be driven by human emotion, but by God’s word. So we need to learn to speak the truth in love. Given the above example, you can take out the person who spread out ‘rumors’ about you for coffee/tea time, address the issue with the purity of heart and mind with the best intention in Christ for that person, in a peaceful manner with gentleness, meekness, and humility. Heavenly wisdom opens to reason. Remember that you are not there to win an argument, but to win someone to Christ. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to show mercy to others as I have received it from the Lord?” Check if your work ethics have been showing tangible “good fruits” and if they are evident to those around you. Have you been practicing and showing no partiality or those people know you for playing the favoritism game? Last but not least and this one you need to be honest with yourself, “Is sincerity your lifestyle or it is just something that you only do when people see you or only when asked or forced to show sincerity? This one, only you and the Lord know. So treat yourself nicely, being sincere to you and others. Don’t worry about Jesus as he already knows!

Now what? Take time to examine your heart, mind, thought process, conduct, behavior, perception, action, and lifestyle. Ask and be sincere with your answer, “Which face of wisdom are your small or big decisions in life characterized by- the earthly or heavenly one? Do you see the tangible evidences and consequences of the earthly one? How about the fruits of the heavenly one? Talk to the Lord! Ask Him to grant strength to exercise His wisdom. Did you know that the more we practice God’s word, the stronger we get in the Lord? Talk to other spiritually matured Christians who know you in the local church that you are committed to and is a part of. Talk to your pastor and if I have that privilege, I’m more than happy to listen. Love and blessings,

Pastor Lap

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