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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Wisdom Lives Out"--Sunday 13-Aug-2023)

We are called to know God and walk according to His instructions. So it is wise to know what God hates; how He rules, reigns, and governs; what/whom He loves; and how He lives. Read Proverbs 8:12-21 again.

God hates evil, pride, arrogance, perverted speech. So should we. But how do we know? Check out what we love, especially areas that we tend to gloss over by saying, "It's okay because God love them and who am I to hate them as I also am a sinner. So let's not talk about that." So you see, if we do not hate what God hates, we are okay or not against sin initially and will love them, eventually. And then when sinners who committed those sins will likely consider Jesus' work at the cross very lightly- might not be in what they said, but how they lived out. This subtly paves way for the soul to have no fear of the Lord. Thus, the starting point of what they do in life is not wise but foolish.

God rules, reigns, and governs the whole creation, especially His people by giving them His whole counsel, sound advice, insights, and strength through His Son, Jesus and His word. So earthly-appointed kings who wanted to be wise in their own eyes and measurements will sooner be foolish and later be failed-leaders. Their failures were not because of not knowing how to do things cleverly or not outsmarting others. The failed because they did not do it according to God's instructions. Check out the stories 1&2 Kings.

God's wise governance is seen in how He lived out. He walked the talked. He kept all His promises. He sent His Son to earth to fulfill all the requirements of His perfect Law. So that whoever believes in Jesus will also fulfill the Law by faith and no longer by works of the law. This faith must be lived out (otherwise it will die). Believing in Jesus is living in Jesus and walking in His righteousness and the path of justice--which was done at the cross. So taking up the cross (having our sinful nature crucified with Jesus) and following Him are the lifestyle of every genuine believer.

How God governed shows us a lot about how He has lived. His actions showed His thoughts. Since God so love the world, He also hates sin so much so that He must put all sins to death. He did it through His beloved Son, Jesus, putting Him to death, redeeming, and giving sinners the last chance (think today it will be your last day) of returning to Him. And in doing so, we are learning to hate sins by simply putting Him first, in everything and loving Him utmost. When this happens, our starting point is the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, which is hating sins, specifically, evil, pride, arrogance, perverted speech. And when this rolls out, His abundances (inheritances and treasures) will be granted to us through various forms and ways, i.e. honor, enduring wealth, righteousness, and tangible fruit/outcome that is better than gold/silver or any know precious material.

Given what you already know now, how does the Wisdom of God play out in various areas of your life? What you hate and love tell you and others a lot whom you fear. Whom you receive counsel from somewhat forecasts the outcome (wisdom/foolishness). How you lead things at home will flow into how you operate at work and serve at church. Whom you follow describes how you lead. And how you lead prescribes how you live. And how you live gives you a picture of your faith--telling you and others exactly what you are actually believing.


Pastor Lap

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