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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Honoring"--Sunday 12-June-2022)

It is often said, “Money speaks.” This means wealth has weight, literally (gold/silver) and figuratively. It has the power to make itself the center of every activity under the sun. It is a very good servant, but a terrible master. This is why we are called to honor the Lord with our wealth- what we have regardless how small or big it is. This is because if we don’t, we will honor wealth with our life. Meaning, money will be our god and we will serve and honor wealth. Oftentimes, people think that they don’t seem to have problem with honoring the Lord with their wealth since they don’t have much. Wealth is not limited to money only. It includes resources, talents, time (which is money), and life itself.

Honoring or dishonoring the Lord depends on the 'weightiness' or 'weightlessness' of God's word in one's life. The former honors the Lord. The latter dishonors Him. Here are but a few examples (you are encouraged to reflect further). Being lazy/slothful dishonors the Lord, because it doesn't treat God’s resources with diligent work/care of multiplication (cf. Matthew 25:26-26; 2 Thessalonians 3:11).

Being workaholic dishonors the Lord, because it neglects God’s blessed rest (cf. Genesis 2:3) due to a low view of God’s sacredness of rest and usually involves either greed or worry/anxiety (sometimes being "cloaked" as working hard)

Sexual immorality (sex outside marriage) or same-sex marriage dishonors the Lord, because it defiles God-ordained marriage as well as God-given physical body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:19. Read the whole passage for context). Furthermore, it speaks volumes to self and others- "This is my body, I do whatever I want with it. It’s none of anyone’s business, including God."

Being discontent with life dishonors the Lord, because it says, “I’m not happy with what I have or what you gave. I’m not happy with your provision, God". Therefore, I'm going to help myself by making more, so that I can be content without your help. I can and I will...prove it to you." Beware of the the trap or temptation that is lurking or crouching at the door of your heart (cf. 1 Timothy 6:6-12).

Despising God’s discipline dishonors Him (cf. Provers 3:9-12) saying, "It not only disagrees with your Word, Lord, but it also doesn't bother to do it." God's correction is viewed as harsh, cruel, and unnecessary (e.g. the life of Esau).

Some may think that they have no problem with the above examples. Praise the Lord for that. Now take some time to think and reflect on your patterns of thoughts and feelings and lifestyle, including work ethics to see if anything might have dishonored the Lord. If you find it, repent and ask the Lord for His forgiveness. If it involved others whom you might have brought dishonor to in the process, seek reconciliation as well. Tips: don't try it before you have received forgiveness. Do know the difference. Forgiveness can be one way and a decision is made one time. Reconciliation is a process that requires two parties (or more). This is why being reconciled with God the Father can be done instantly (at the speed of our surrender) through Christ Jesus. The healing of brokenness is still a process though.

Others may say that they have all the issues in the mentioned examples. Lord, have mercy on you. This is a good start, awareness. The first step is to talk to the Lord and repent. The next step to talk to someone you trust who ismatured and solid in the Word to hear you out and give you biblical counseling.

My prayers and hope for each of us is to take the "If" part of God's word seriously, so that each of us can experience the "Then" part, which is the blessed outcome (cf. Proverbs 3:9-12) that stems from God's wisdom--the word and the fear of the Lord. May the weightiness of God's word in your life honor Him and others. May none of us dishonor the Lord by making His word weightless in our life. Amen.

In His "weight,"


Pastor Lap

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