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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Envisioning”—Sunday 24-Jan-2021)

They both approached Jesus asking for something. Jesus posed the same question before them, “What do you want me to do for you?” Their replies revealed the cries of their heart and the desires of their soul which determine their sight. The “inner circle” disciples, James and John, replied, “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory” (Mark 10:37). Basically, they asked for 3Ps: position, power, and privileges. Though they had a natural sight, they are spiritually blind. They did not know Jesus for who He is and what He was about to do. In other words, they missed the point of being Jesus’ disciples. The 3Ps had never been the package for God’s people.

The blind beggar, Bartimaeus, is an “outcast” whose sight was lost. He did not have any privileges and yet he cried out loud for one thing, God’s mercy. In a way, He boldly declared Jesus’ royal lineage, Son of David (cf. Mark 10:48) and proclaimed the coming Good News to the crowd and disciples. The cry of his heart and the desire of his soul revealed his sight. To be exact, he already saw Jesus even before his blindness was restored. He saw because he heard of Jesus and believed in the Son of David, God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The striking part was that when Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” He did not go “his own way,” but followed Jesus who is the way. Bartimaeus’ natural sight was a by-product of his spiritual sight, which is, hearing, believing in God’s promises through Jesus, seeking, and crying out for His mercy of which God will unlikely refuse.

Jesus is God and He is with us. Now if you approached Him today, what would you ask of Him? I bet no one dares to ask for 3Ps openly. But chances are high that there are some who still secretly ask Jesus for them. We cannot force our eyes to see what we do not believe. We cannot force our heart to cry out to Jesus what we do not desire of Him.

Being with Jesus for sometime, like the disciples, it is possible that your requests are gravitated to “inward-looking” of 3Ps which sooner or later will blind you. Your eyes still can see things of the world, but the things of God are not in your sight because your heart does not see Jesus in every (good/bad) situation whether at home or the workplace. And although your ears will still be able to hear voices of people or noises of the world, our audible receptivity to the voice of Jesus is defeaned (on Sunday and weekdays), because your heart does not totally believe in His word for all (trials/suffering/pains/hurts) circumstances.

Following Jesus begins with a change of our heart’s cries and desires which will open our eyes to see Him clearly. And this will bring us closer to Jesus (so we won’t get lost) in our daily living with Him and His people, so that we will be bold to proclaim Jesus, Son of David, Son of God, who alone can bring healing the lost and sight to the (natural/spiritual) blind of which, we all can be.

Lord, have mercy on us! We want to see you in all circumstances in this troubling world.

Pastor Lap

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