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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflection "Who is My Mother?"--Sunday 12-May-2024 and "Desiring, Giving, Seeking"--Sunday 19-May-2024)



Common practices suggest that honoring our parents means that we must do their will. If we don't, we dishonor them. God's word and wisdom instruct us that putting God's will above our own or our family's will is God-honoring and being Christlike (cf. Luke 8:19-21; Mark 3:31-35; Matthew 12:46-50) and it is wise.

Godly wisdom through Christ puts  His word in the center of life activities under the sun. The core being of our spirit and soul (mind, will, emotion) must be centered in the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit and not by anyone's will or idea.


Godly wisdom brings our earthly "desires" to serve the kingdom plan and purposes.  Anything that we think, feel, and do will mirror the "passion" (love, suffering, victory) of Christ.  When this happens, our desire is no longer ours, but His.


Godly desire will always lead to godly searches. Since we begin with Jesus, we must end with Him. This means, the moment we said, "I believe in Jesus," we ought to live in Him. Seeking His will is how a Christian should live. And we know that HE always speaks. We must learn to hear His voice and discern His will.


Godly desire leads to godly searches, and we give everything, i.e. time, resources, heart, mind, soul, strength, to His Kingdom, where we all are called to live out the Great Commission (cf. Matthew 28:19-20). God gave us Jesus, His son, so we can live in Him and give our lives to His Kingdom of which His Body, the church, will be advancing on earth. Although God can accomplish His will and plan without us, He generously gives everyone an opportunity in partaking and co-working with the Holy Spirt and members of His Body for the glorious future of His Kingdom.


I pray and hope none of us will miss this privilege and honor. But we must accept the sad reality that some would rather miss it altogether, because their desire, giving, and searches are not aligned with God's will and plan.


One caveat remains. There will always be some people who seem to have a religious form, but decide to stay on the fringes and come up with thousands of (clever/lame) excuses of not wanting to draw closer to Jesus and His Body. Lord, have mercy on us.


Now what? To be clear, there is nothing wrong in having a will and desire. In fact, God gave us freewill and human desire. However, they are inclined toward sinfulness. Thus, sanctification (a process of being made holy) is the journey of discipleship under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in/through His Body, where every believer must ask a critical question, Are our will, desire, giving lifestyle, and searches aligned with God's word and His will? Are they edifying His church and advancing His kingdom?



Pastor Lap




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