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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "To The Ends Of Earth"--Sunday 5-Feb-2023)

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is and will not be able to cover our call to be Jesus' witnesses. But instead, "audacious" and "impactful" are and will be two adjectives to describe Jesus' disciples, who were, are, and will be His witnesses to the ends of earth.

Those who had heard, seen, known (and not just "knew" about) Jesus were believers. And those who followed Him until the end were His disciples. Moving from believers to disciples had always been a journey of faith, trust, hope, perseverance, and faithfulness.

Believers today, though we were not born in the first century to see who Jesus was in person and what He did, are called to be His witnesses by faith (not by sight), for we, like the disciples, who have came to believe His birth, life, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, are longing for His return to totally rule and reign over the whole creation. In other words, the big Gospel story (Genesis-Revelation), from the Creation to the Fall, to Redemption/Salvation, Sanctification, and Glorification is central to our belief -what we believe, and life- how we live. So being Jesus' witness is how believers/disciples should live.

Being Jesus' witnesses, some of us may sometimes feel scared. Other times, we find it very challenging, and in some cases, we are not proud or we are ashamed about sharing the Good News of Jesus to others. Now if it's all about you, then no doubt we feel inadequate or inferior or insecure or fearful most of the time, if not all of the time. We feel we are never able to measure up to God's holiness or standards or requirements. But if it's not about you but about who Jesus is to you and what He had done in and through your life, then you will not be able stop being Jesus' witnesses. It's like telling an eagle to stop being an eagle and be a chicken. Jesus' witnesses won't be silent and can't be silenced. The Good News of Jesus Christ is always active and alive in the heart, mind, soul, blood, veins, activities of every Jesus' witness, regardless of geography, politics, and cultures.

So what or who is stopping you from being Jesus' witnesses? Government? Cultures? Circumstances? Someone? Or perhaps ourselves? Our fears, doubts, shame, and guilt? Or perhaps past traumatic events or brokenness? It can be anything on earth or in Mars. The list can and will go on and on when those things takes the place of faith.

We know that the earlier disciples were human and sinners, too. They also had fears and doubts. Jesus knew that. This was why He always assured them peace--His presence (cf. Luke 24:36). Jesus also told them to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:8), for without it, no one will be able to live as an impactful and audacious witness for God's kingdom until His return, of which our readiness, endurance, and hope are being generated.

So now what? Go and tell not what you are capable of, but who Jesus is to you and what He had done and continues to do in and through your life. This is simply how to be an [A]udacious and [I]mpactful witnesses of Jesus Christ, our King.



Pastor Lap

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