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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Attentiveness"--Sunday 11-Sep-2022)

It is quite easy to hear God’s word and do not understand it, especially when one is not attentive or not tuning in to what the Word has to say or speak to one’s life.

Attentiveness is like a clear 'glass window'. It does not block light coming into the room. And when the room is filled with light, the shapes, sizes, and color of objects inside the room and outside the room through the window can be seen in its multiple dimensions and whoever is in it will enjoy the presence of the 'Designer' and His will and plan for the room.

Attentiveness towards God's word brings insights to the hearers' heart and mind. When one's inner being is filled with insights and understanding, whoever has it will begin to see around them things in/outside the room through the window with a greater visibility, which grants a better orientation that leads to a wiser choice in life's direction. Then they will begin to enjoy God, His word, will, and plan for their life.

Without attentiveness, it is like having unclear/uncleaned 'glass window'. It dims the light down. It can/will make reading God’s word daily and hearing God's message weekly dull or makes us yawn or bored. It is not uncommon to see people who have read God’s word, but didn't pay attention to it as they do not plan to practice or live it out or make God’s word alive and active in their life. They will remain unchanged or unregenerated or untransformed. They might have gained ‘head knowledge’, but ‘heart understanding’ is absent. Thus, there is no insight of God’s wisdom in their life.

Attentiveness requires our total being, from the posture of our body to the attitude of our mind and the condition of our heart. It requires the active listening of God's word, patiently waiting on Him; and intentionally practicing His wisdom.

So how often do you have a clear "glass window" in your daily reading of God's word and weekly Sunday hearing of God's message?

Now being attentive is a choice of having "a clear glass window." It has nothing to do with intelligence. But it has everything to do with attitude and posture of one’s heart and mind. Attentiveness will be a very good friend to those who want to tune in to God's voice and respond to His word in waiting as well as taking action.

One caveat remains. Some may have no desire to get their "glass window" cleaned. It's understandable. Jesus knows that. This is why He calls every believer to be added to His Body, the church. So that each of our "glass window" can be ultimately wiped/cleaned by Jesus and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit through the living Word and Body of Christ.



Pastor Lap

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