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Pastor Lap Dinh

3Fs: Faith. Facts. Fears

(A short reflection on the occasion of the recent “third wave” of Covid-19+ in Vietnam in Feb-2021)

Beloved NLF members/visitors

Faith does not mean we ignore the facts. Faith is not the absence of fears. In reality, faith, facts, fears are messily mixed up and they are subtly inclined and led by fears/anxiety if/when faith does not take the lead.

To have faith in Jesus Christ is to believe that He is the author of life. Thus, He has the final say on all matters of life and death. This does not mean we can live recklessly. With faith in Christ, we trust the Lord and respect authorities in the fear of the Lord.

How does that work? Well, we have been through the first two waves and we will handle this third wave in the same principles and practices. 1.) Those who did not learn from the first two waves will continue to behave like what they did in the past. They did not take time to address their fears (of all kinds), so there is a very little or no room for faith to grow in Christ in difficult situations or adversity. 2.) Those who have learned from the first wave, they have grown in faith in the second wave, and are really growing strong in this third wave of Covid-19 situation in Vietnam. 3.) We will follow local authorities’ instructions regarding Covid situation in Vietnam. Meaning, we will close our building for in-person gathering when we receive instructions from HCMC authorities. So as of yesterday, we have followed the HCMC authorities' instructions on restricting 20pax in-person gathering. 4.) If your companies/schools/workplaces ordered you to stay home, please follow their policies/instructions. You are honoring God as you respect your legal contract/work-permit that you have signed with them. If you disagree, let them know and find a new job. In this way, you are honoring God and respect the authorities. 5.) If you traveled from infected areas, you will definitely be asked to stay home by authorities and your pastor. You won’t stand a chance to come to the church building (unless you lied to the authorities or your pastor).

6.) If you stay home because you are not feeling well and want to be considerate, that's great. You are living out your faith with love. 7.) If you stay home because of your (subtle) fears (however they are disguised, God knows and you know), then I want to graciously speak the word of God to you. Although your fear is real, fear in itself might have become your little ”gods/idols.” Thus, you are not living in faith but in fear(s). This is alright as long as you admit, repent, and be reconciled with God through Jesus, for we all are work in progress. But make sure it’s a progress and not regress. I'm praying for you if this is you. No guilt-tripping nor shame-inflicting, but just a sheer “agape” love that teaches, rebukes, and trains God’s people in the righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ.

In His mercy, grace, and love,


Pastor Lap

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