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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “It Multiplied”—Sunday 19-Nov-2023)

If it’s not you, then who? If you think you are not a chosen instrument of Jesus, then chances are high that you will live a life of not being a chosen one, which is common among those who do not believe in Jesus Christ or those who are just a ‘church-goer’, having a form godliness but denying its power. These people look nice on the outside and go to church occasionally or even regularly but do not intend to get their life involved in the life of the Body of Christ—the local church and has no interest in praying, supporting, and participating in Jesus’ mission, which is to seek and save the lost souls. These religious folks were once zealous for Christ, but life and its troubles beat them down to mere ‘church-goers’ as they had likely given up on Christ and no longer believe the Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to save and is the solution for this wicked and lost generation. So what does being ‘a chosen instrument’ (cf. Acts 9:13-31) entail or encompass?

1.) Living boldly in Christ and proudly carrying out the name of Jesus. A Christian means a Christ’s follower or a “Little Christ.” This means that for those who believe in Christ and follow Jesus, their life will reflect Christlikeness and their lifestyle, vision, values, meanings, and purposes are kingdom-minded.

2.) Suffering in or for Christ is part of, if not mainly, being Jesus' disciples. The passion of the Lord Jesus will be the suffering of His followers. What Jesus went through, His disciples will go through. This is why Jesus demonstrated it first in His crucifixion and resurrection. His ascension and the promise of returning to take us to be with Him forever are the great hope and assurance that Christ's followers have.

3.) Gaining insight into God’s mind and heart. Those who draw closer to Christ and live in Him and His word, will walk closely with Jesus’ Body—the church and other disciples. They are being filled with the Holy Spirit. They are experiencing and continually encountering the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling them to testify who Jesus is and what He has done, personally and universally. Disciples who believe and know that they are a chosen instrument of Jesus will not live their life in lethargic religiosity, but energetic spirituality. They want to their life to be useful for the Lord and His kingdom. They share/proclaim the Good News, not as a program or campaign but a lifestyle. They run not away from persecution, but face it humbly and stay faithful until the end. They fearlessly and continually spread the Gospel of Jesus in every opportunity that they find themselves in. They reflect and radiate the light, the love, the grace, the mercy of the Lord Jesus who is very real and intimate to them. People around them will notice peace and being built up spiritually as they see Christ’s followers live in the fear of the Lord, and receive comfort of the Holy Spirit when they are down or hit by life’s troubles or turmoil. They are not a "Lone Ranger” who try to be “good/better Christian” by him/herself but they are a growing member in a growing Body Christ—a local church that they are committed to.

When the above happens, the disciples of Jesus--Christians will witness multiplication of souls being saved and disciples being trained. May the Holy Spirit further enable our church to wholeheartedly live for Jesus and fully mind His great commission.

Pastor Lap

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