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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Not-to-do List"--Sunday 7-Aug-2022)

The Bible instructs us that we do not withhold good to whom it is due, when it is in our power to do it (cf. Proverbs 3:27). But why? Very likely it has to do with God's Law which reflects His heart, wanting His people to live differently from the norm or surrounding cultures.

We saw in Leviticus 19:13, "You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired worker shall not remain with you all night until the morning." The Lord saw that withholding wages that are even just for a few hours is an oppression. Think about this, in agricultural context, people go out to work in a field from sunrise to sunset and they should get what is due for their labor. If the owner of the field just even simply delay it till the next morning, it is considered as robbing or oppressing the neighbor, especially when it is the owner's power to do it. Some may wonder why today we usually get our salary/wages at the end of the month? In my observation and opinion, it is due to the complexity and practicality for employer and employees. For example, some companies used to pay employees on a daily or weekly basis as food and housing need to be paid daily or weekly. But when food can be stored and banks give loans, people and companies find it more convenient to pay monthly. It is also making the accountant's jobs livable. Having said that, it was told that some large corporations delay payment slips till the first week of the next month, saying that it's too overwhelming for the accounting and HR department to do the paperwork. Maybe it was. But the reason behind it was, sadly, some corporations withheld the payment of, say 5-10 thousand workers' salary/wages for a week, the bank interest gain was substantial! Other examples are supermarkets which, generally speaking, tend to hold 30-90 days payment to suppliers, playing the card or attitude toward suppliers that "I, the supermarket can give you big sales volume and you need me. Otherwise, I'll sell your competitors' products as they agree to the terms and conditions."

Now some of us may have experienced some of the above examples and already got angry. However, the Bible is practically clear that God does not ask His people to change "Pharaoh's" business practices. He simply said, "...when it is in your power to do it." So let's talk about when each of us is in our power to do good to whom it is due.

Here are some scenarios. If you have a house helper, you can discuss with him/her to pay daily or weekly and monthly and commit to pay it on time. It will be a good opportunity to be a witness and share why you do what you do. When someone comes to fix something in your place, pay it immediately and do not withhold it till the next day or the next week when you can pay today. If you happen to owe someone money, e.g. rental, borrowed money/items, utilities, mortgage, credit card, etc, pay it right away when it is in your power to do it. If you are in debt, cut all the expenses that are not essential and commit to clear debts. Or if you run a small shop/business/company, do not go into a business deal if you know you cannot pay the suppliers or staff on the agreed time. You can further reflect on many of your other examples or experiences that you had faced.

We are further instructed, "Do not say to your neighbor, “Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it”—when you have it with you (Proverbs 3:28)." This is clear. Do not delay helping others when it is in your power to do it. Why? First, delaying doing good (when you can) is instant wickedness, perhaps not in the world's norm, but in God's eyes. Second, wickedness, deviousness, and foolishness will receive its due 'payment'--God's curses. We have to be careful here. This is not 'karma' or 'you do bad things, you will receive bad things." It is simply a biblical principle, "You reap what you sow" or "Freedom of choice, but not of consequences."

The bad news is, we all were once wicked and still are in many ways. The good news is, Jesus' work on the cross through our faith in Him have absorbed all the penalties that are incurred by our wickedness and sinful activities (against God's law) when we come to know and follow Him. Although we are a work in progress, we do not deceive ourselves by intentionally or deliberately living our life in contrary or against God's word and keep "playing" the "self-pitifulness" card as a license to sin. Now when people do this, foolishness remains in them and will continue to follow them. But when they decide "not-to-do" it, God and His wisdom will be in and with us in all our ways as we keep practicing His word.

God has given us everything through Christ Jesus to live out His word. Excuses are fit for the fools, while the fear of the Lord is fit for the wise. We all have a choice. We either make it our habit and imprint the "not-to-do-list" (Proverbs 3:27-35) into our soul's core (mind, will, emotion) and allow our spirit to be fed and led by God's word or continue to be wise in our eyes and habitually live according to the world's norm/practices/cultures.


Pastor Lap

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