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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Members’ Traits 1.0”—Sunday 4 July 2021)

Being a “living sacrifice” member of a living “Olive Tree” as well as a “living Body” of Jesus Christ, we are called to have these traits in our personal and communal life. Here is the list (cf. Romans 12:9-13).

1.) Genuine love

2.) Abhor what is evil

3.) Commitment to do what is good

4.) Mutual brotherly/sisterly love/affection for one another

5.) Outdo one another in showing honor

6.) Being zealous, fervent in spirit, and serving the Lord

7.) Rejoicing in hope

8.) Patience in tribulation

9.) Be constant in prayer

10.) Contribution to the needs of the church

11.) Practicing hospitality Having read the above, be honest with yourself and tell the Lord what trait(s) you are lacking. Lockdown period could be the best moment for you to spend quiet and quality time with Lord. Do pray and ask the Holy Spirit to convict your heart, transform your mind, and make your life more Christlike by having the above traits.

Let us commit to the renewing of our mind and share with each other (on Discord channel #public-chat how you are being transformed by His Word). May none of us be slothful in zeal, nor be lethargic in spirit, nor be lazy in serving the Lord!

In Christ,

Pastor Lap

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