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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Pierced to the Heart”—Sunday 19-Mar-2023)

When people, regardless of ethnicity or culture, witness a great, awesome, magnificent, or amazing thing/story, they cannot help but respond. When people saw that the disciples were filled with the Spirit and began speaking in tongues- both intelligible (languages) and unintelligible (‘glossolalia’), some asked a question and wanted to know. Others mocked and concluded.

When the gospel truth is presented- regardless of people’s IQ or EQ, people cannot help but respond. When people hear about the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is both Lord and Savior (cf. Acts 1:14-36), their heart will be pierced. They have to respond. They will ask a right question, “What shall I do?” And here are steps for those who sincerely want to be helped as they had tried everything in their strength but cannot save themselves from going to the ‘place of the dead’/hell.

(A.) Calling on the name of Jesus & believing in Him. (B.) Making Jesus both Lord and Savior in their life. This means Jesus must be Lord in every aspect and at the center of everything they do.

(C.) Repenting (a lifestyle) and wanting to be water baptized.

Hearing and responding are vital signs of people who seek the truth and wanting to ask/know before making any conclusion. If you are not sure about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, test yourself by writing a short paragraph to answer ‘What is the Gospel or Good News? Then do feel free and joyful to ask. Now if you know exactly what the Gospel is, please write a short paragraph and send it to and the best articulations will be rewarded “coffee/cakes/chitchat with pastor.”

Looking forward to receiving either questions or presentations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from you. Love and blessings, Pastor Lap

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