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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Slanderers, Free-thinkers, and Guarantors"--Sunday 10-Mar-2024)

Trust-breakers are slanderers. Slandering kills relationships. In today's world, people's reputation and life can be hurt and ruined at the speed of the social media. With the attention span that is "tiktokingly" shorter, not many people have the habit of fact-checking. Slandering becomes almost an acceptable and fast-growing social norm even if it is considered as civil, and in some cases- criminal offenses in many countries.

Slandering is a sin (cf. Exodus 20:16; 23:1-3; Leviticus 19:16). It is first against God.  Slanderers are trust-breakers and untrustworthy. The Body of Christ, the local church can be hurt or even be destroyed by slanderers. It is foolish to slander (cf. Proverbs 10:18; 11:13; 16:28). Furthermore, we as Christ's followers, are called to an even higher standard, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29)."

Okay, I got it. But how to deal with this sin of slandering that easily entangles? Here some practical advice.

1./ Do not gossip or slander. Period.

2./ Do not bring stories that you cannot verify. Practically, if in church, report to the Pastor, who is responsible to investigate and bring the matter to light, in grace and truth.

3./ Do tell people in advance that "if what is going to be said involves (a) someone who is not present or (b) me as a solution or (c) sexual immoralities, then do not tell me, but please talk to the people in charge (if it's in a company/organization) and to Pastor (in the church that you are committed to, not the church you randomly/occasionally visit)."

I pray and hope that we all learn not to become trust-breakers but truth-reporters to the appointed authorities.  Amen.


Pastor Lap

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