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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflection on “O You of Little Faith”—Sunday 15-Jan-2023)

We all work hard to put food on the table. Nothing is wrong with this. But it’s not wise to work and worry. In fact, worry robs God-given joy. Anxiety mars God’s glory which is supposedly being reflected through our life. Worry/anxiety and fear are the toxic combo. Once triggered, we can easily notice that there is no joy and satisfaction in God’s daily provision, i.e. time, air, sun/moon light, nature, simple meal. We often or tend to forget that when we drink a cup of coffee/tea, it takes a whole process of toiling the soil, sowing the bean, watering the plant, taking care of them till harvesting, roasting, packaging, transporting, grinding, brewing, and serving in a cup. God’s sustenance and provision often comes in a way that we usually take for granted.

We all have a moment of worry/anxiety. Sometimes, it’s just a quick thought. Other times, it clings to us for days or weeks. If we are not careful, it will linger or latch on or attach to us for months and years. It then will become our lifestyle without us knowing or recognizing it. Once worry/anxiety became a lifestyle, our identity set in and become comfortable and even ‘self-deceived’ into thinking, “If I don’t worry, it’s not me and I betray myself. I was born this way. This is how I function my life. This is me.” And sadly, sometimes people are somewhat proudly spreading it to other people around them.

Worry/anxiety is contagious. It spreads fast and far. It suffocates the life of the beholders and those who are friends with them. It tends to seek "dissatisfied" groups that can resonate with its "notes/sounds." So what is the solution to this ‘pandemic’? It’s simple but not easy to do. It’s not easy, because it is not easy to surrender or give up control to the One who is ultimately in control. It’s not easy to totally trust and wholeheartedly obey the word of the One who specifically called and instructed us (Luke 12:22-34). (A) Don’t be anxious. Why? Do consider the ravens and the lilies and learn from it. If you can’t learn anything from those two little things, life will be miserable for you even if you have the truth and grace, for the truth hasn’t set you free and the grace hasn’t been actively received and lived out. (B) Stop worrying about food, drinks, and clothes. Why? Because these are things that unbelievers or those who may have a religion but no relationship with Jesus Christ, naturally and ‘proudly’ are worrying about. If you want to be like them (well, maybe some are already like them), go ahead. Otherwise, heed the Word of the Lord.

(C) Fear not what worldly people fear. Instead, only fear the Lord. Why? He alone is the ultimate Provider and Giver of life. Take a moment and list out your anxiety/worry and fear list. You will likely see areas of your worry, of which your heart will likely be. And whatever your heart treasures, by trying to fulfill or meet those worries/anxieties, there your heart will be also. When this happens, our heart is not after God’s heart. Thus, our mind is not Kingdom-oriented. We will then seek first other things that we worry and fear the most. And the Lord and and His kingdom will be a second/third thought. Subtly, we crown ourselves as kings without knowing it. Unknowingly, Jesus Christ will become our servant. He will serve our demands, which reflect our worry/anxiety and fear. This is how religious people treat God. This, needless to say, is not what God’s words tell us. Living a life free from the toxic combo, worry/anxiety and fear, is always a choice. Thus, a decision needs to be made. There are two paths. And the default one is a “worry-FULL” life in your own way. And the other one is a “worry-FREE” life in Jesus’ way. One caveat remains. A decision to live a life free from the toxic combo requires our faith in what the Lord had shown us in His creation, at the cross, the evidence of the empty tomb, the eyewitnesses of His ascension, the undeniably powerful testimonials of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. This is more than enough for every believer to fully trust Him, wholeheartedly obey His word, and joyfully live out the ‘toxic-combo-free’ life in Christ Jesus.

May our freewill be exercised wisely. May the choice we make reflect what we really believe and whom we really follow. May the ‘toxic-combo-free’ be not a cliché but the reality we live in Jesus.

In His care,

Pastor Lap

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