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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Resistance”—Sunday 1-Oct-2023)

Resisting (the Holy Spirit) is being unregenerated. Being present (filled with the Holy Spirit) is being redeemed. So how do we know and recognize the differences? There are a few clues (drawing from Acts 7:1-60).

The unregenerated will easily get angry or enraged when they are being confronted with the truth, especially truth about them. Selective hearing is their tendency, keeping only the Bible passages that encourage (and nothing wrong with this, but it is partial) and ignoring passages that confront or correct their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, perspective, and lifestyle. Feeling guilty and shame are common to them. They can always come up with “no-one-can-argue” excuses. And the messages of whoever brought God’s convicting message to them, they first ignored and then stop hearing it eventually. In worse case scenario, they incite or instigate others to be on board with them.

The redeemed can be recognized by faithfulness (in both little and big things); availability (willingness to make themselves available to serve); submission (understanding God’s given authorities, both heavenly and earthly); and teachability (joyful to be taught and corrected). You will know one when you fellowship with them. They view and accept Genesis to Revelation, God’s divine revelation as the whole counsel of God. If/when they don’t understand something in Scriptures, they don’t scoff at God’s ideas or try to read their ideas into the Word. They seek God and His word and godly counsels as they understand that being wise in their own eyes is being foolish. When being persecuted by all kinds and various degrees, they fix their eyes on God’s glory—the crucified, resurrected, ascended Christ and His presence in their present moment. And when anxiety, anger, frustration, hurts, shame, guilt, fear, and a whole range of other human emotion come, their prayers will be, “Lord, do not hold this sin against...[the unregenerated], for they haven’t met you, Jesus. Please do not hold this sin against them.”

What now? Set aside 15-30 minutes a day to spend quality, undistracted time with the Lord and be honest in your self-examination and soul (mind, will, emotion)-searching. Observe your actions and reactions when things do not go your way. Watch the words that go to your head. Are they from God or the Devil or your fallen mind. Listen to the lyrics or scripts that your heart beats after. Pay attention to the ’unruly member’ of your body—the tongue. Do check your “hearing ability” for faith comes by hearing and hearing the [ fill the blank ] of God. Beware of delayed obedience, which is disobedience in disguise. Do remember that hearing God’s word always implies doing His commands. Do understand that God’s messages come as an encouragement as well as a warning.

Lord, have mercy on us and others!

Pastor Lap

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