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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Increased, Multiplied, Obedient"--Sunday 27-Aug-2023)

To a newly forming church in Acts, when Christ was preached and miracles happened and the discipleship were increasing in number, we thought people will be rejoicing all together, but instead, the sad reality has always been that a complaint was lobbed by individuals or this group or that group (cf. Acts 6:1-7) against each other on ‘earthly things’ which are nothing new under sun, i.e. food, water, shelter, clothes, and countless felt needs. Solution? Selection.

To the world out there, selection can be seen as exclusivity. To God, selection is grace. Those who witnessed Jesus’ death, encountered His resurrection, received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and long for His returning will live their life testifying to the Word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ (cf. Revelation 1:2). We saw the team of seven men who are full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. They were selected and appointed for the work of ministry, serving the widows who might have been neglected (for further instruction on this, read 1 Timothy 5:9-16). Selection is exercising God’s grace to the Body of Christ, the local church. God knows how the church should function and move in power when members are united and serve in humility and willingness. Some will be in the areas of their gifts. Others simply make themselves available in whichever area of need. If they don’t know, they are willing to learn. Imagine, the apostles in the Book of Acts did not devote themselves to their calling, prayers and preaching the Word of God, we won’t have the New Testament (FYI. The phrase “the apostles’ teaching” is the New Testament that we have).

Selection is God’s grace in continually spreading His Word to the lost and dying world; greatly multiplying the disciples; and restoring the obedient to the faith of those who (for whatever reasons or circumstances) were/are believers/ministers who might have been sidetracked by (perhaps even) good things (but not the best thing they were called for).

To our current young church (26 years! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and pruning works!), when Jesus was preached and souls got saved and being added into the church, I have been assuming that people will be rejoicing all together, but I might be wrong (Lord, have mercy), so I suspected that there might be some who have (for most parts well-intentioned) concerns and others (might have been silently/graciously) 'lamented' about someone or a group who might have been neglected or someone's felt needs were not met. This therefore, as God’s little shepherd of His beloved flock which comprises of people coming from diverse church backgrounds and upbringing and are at various stages of spiritual journey/growth, I’d love to hear from you (committed members or regular attendants of NLFVIETNAM) with this (2-3 minutes) pocket survey (if you haven’t done so): (FYI. The form doesn't collect names/emails, so you stay anonymous and I can have 'peace of mind' 😎). Thank you.

To God be the glory! And I’m proud to be His servant, whether 'a' or 'the' or 'my' pastor.

Love and blessing.

Pastor Lap

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