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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "An Enemy of God"--Sunday 2-Oct-2022)

We are warned that friendship with the world will make us an enemy of God (James 4:4). It is inferred that possibly, friendship with the Lord will make us an enemy of the world. It is because the world's and God's values are opposing each another. The former is ungodly. The latter is godly. Thus, they are constantly 'quarreling' and 'fighting'. This helps us to understand that whenever there are quarrels and fights, there are always ungodly desires and motives (James 4:1-3), which were formed through "friendship."

Having "friendship" with the world is about being "brainwashed" by the world's ideas, values, and actively living a worldly life, which is driven by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life (cf. 1 John 2:16). This is not to say that we should not have non-believing friends. But this is to say that we should not conform to the patterns of the world (cf. Roman 12:2a). If we are not careful and prayerful, having 'friendship' with the world is like an adulterous or unfaithful wife who commits adultery against her "husband"--the Lord. Thus, we set ourselves up to be an enemy of God.

If to become friends with the world, we just need to live like the world (this is in fact already a default mode), then to become friends with God, we have to accept His terms, that is, obeying His word (cf. John 15:14)" and knowing His will (cf. John 15:15). But how, some may ask. When we have "friendship" with Lord, we are being "brainwashed" or transformed by the renewing of our mind (cf. Romans 12:2b) toward being Christlike, offering our life/bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (cf. Romans 12:1), then we will be able obey His word and know His (general/specific) will for us, which is good, acceptable, and perfect before God. This is why we won't be able to obey His word and know or discern His will if we continue deliberately having "friendship" with the world.

May each of us mind our "friendship." Choose friends wisely. Stay vigilant. Stay with the right "Friend"--Jesus.



Pastor Lap

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