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(Further reflections on “Time”—Sunday 31-Dec-2023)

When God made the heavens and the earth, time was born (cf. Genesis 1:1-5). The creation was somewhat hinged on one thing, God’s instruction. It was just one command, not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil (cf. Genesis 2:17).  Human free-will was there from the beginning. Adam and Eve had a choice to trust and obey that simple command or to side with the inviting or suggestive idea from the Serpent. They chose the latter. They sinned and their life, the physical aspect were timed and will not live forever since they no longer can access the Tree of Life (cf. Genesis 3:24). Their spiritual aspect, i.e. soul (mind, will, emotion) and/or spirit** (see footnote) were also corrupted and separated from God’s holy presence. Although they were expelled out of God’s physical or visible realm, they were still able to hear His voice. Their life (body, soul, spirit) was timed. Their body died, decayed, and returned to dust (cf. Genesis 3:19). Their soul and spirit will return to the Lord if/when they believe and have relationship with Him.

When we were born (as descendants of the first human couple, whom God formed Adam out of clay and fashioned Eve out of Adam’s rib, cf. Genesis 2:7; 22), we were fashioned out of our mother’s womb (cf. Psalm 139:13) and timed. Thus, we were born sinners and our life is timed. Our body will not live forever, but our soul/spirit will. Thus, human will either live in eternity with God (a place of the living, called ‘heaven’) or without God (a place of the dead, called ‘hell’). The former requires one thing, believing in Jesus. The latter requires nothing, since it is a default mode, that is, believing in oneself or someone or something else.

Human life is timed and no one can go back into the past time but everyone can live in the present time and all want to see and control the future, which is impossible with human. However, God seems to grant “time-travel” with His Son—Jesus—the Eternal. So whoever are in Him, abide in Him, and live by faith in Him will be with Him now and forever. The physical body will be decayed, died, and returned to dust. Our soul/spirit continues to live with the One and only, who came to be fully God and fully human—the last and perfect Adam/Man to save and sanctify Adam’s descendants, those who believe in God the Creator—the Father; God the Savior—the Son, Jesus; God the Sanctifier—The Holy Spirit, and glorify them in the last day.

Now what? The question is how you are going to use your ‘time-bound’ life in the present will in a way allow you to see the future, which is nothing mysterious, that is, to be with Christ Jesus forever. But still, the even more important question is, “Do you really want to be with Him eternally?” No doubt that most believers will answer ‘yes’. But in reality, only sincere and committed believers—Christ’s followers, disciples will learn to bring ’the future in Christ’ into the present time by spending time with Jesus through the reading of God’s instructions and by grace, love, and mercy keep practicing and applying them into life. They heed God’s word and will examine carefully how they walk, not as unwise but wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (cf. Ephesians 5:15).   So when we don’t know God’s timing, we are somewhat ’T.I.M.E.D.’ (Totally Ignorant and Messed-up Entirely and Detrimentally).  In life, there might be many moments of ‘FOMO’ (Fear Of Missing Out), but one thing we can’t afford to miss out is God’s timing for our life. But how do we know His time? We will not know it unless we understand His will for us. And we can’t really know His will, unless we know Jesus (not just on the informational, but relational and transformational level). And we can’t really know Jesus, if we don’t even want to spend time with the Eternal, even just 60 minutes/day. Pause and think and confess and profess. Again, “Do you really want to be with Jesus eternally?” Prove to yourselves that you do or don’t by honestly examining your time/calendar that the Lord have entrusted to you.

Thank you, Lord for your mercy that is new every morning (cf. Lamentation 3:23), so that we don’t have to regret about yesterday, but can start fresh today!  Amen.

Pastor Lap

**Footnote: Here I used, “and/or” with due respects to both camps/views: (a) Body & Soul and (b) Body, Soul, and Spirit. I am personally persuaded by and favor the latter.

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