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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflection on “The Word, The Mouth, The Heart”—Sunday 11-Apr-2021)

God’s commands were not meant to make God’s people’s life difficult (cf. Deuteronomy 30:11-14). What is difficult is their sinful nature which rebels God’s commands. Now God’s commands are not made for heaven that people should say, “Who will go up to heaven for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?” Or they are out of reach, beyond the sea, that people should say, “Who will cross the sea for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?” But “the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it.” In short, God’s commands/word are doable and reachable. Well, to be fair they are only reachable to those who truly want to seek the Lord and they are only doable to those who want to worship Him.

God’s word is perfect, but God’s people are not. So it is impossible for the imperfect to fulfill the perfect commands perfectly. Even when God’s word was very near them, their mouth was not ready to worship Him as their heart was far away from Him. The missing key or connection between the perfect commands of God and imperfect sinners is the Savior, Jesus Christ who is the perfect one who fulfilled the perfect commands. Thus, Jesus is the righteousness of God and those who believe in Jesus will obey His word and will not make excuses or complain that His word are so difficult or undoable or unreachable or question His resurrection by asking “Who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down)“ or “Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). Believers, truly born again or regenerated Christ’s followers, know that God’s word (‘rhema’) is near them, in their mouth and in their heart which they have heard through the speaking/proclaiming of the Good News of Jesus and confessing Jesus is Lord and believing God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. And this is God’s salvation (being saved from eternal damnation due to sins) is made available to those whose faith are in Jesus Christ.

God’s word (‘rhema’) is very near to saved people. His word is in their mouth and heart. They worship the Lord everyday through their vocation/profession/career at work as well as at home. Saved people are always ready to share God’s word. Their mouth is ready to pray to God, to fellowship with other believers, and to tell other not-yet-believers about God as God’s “rhema” (word) is in their heart. They go to bed with the “rhema.” They wake up and talk to the Lord with the “rhema.” They enter workplaces with the “rhema” which will nurture and sustain them throughout the day/week. And since the “rhema” is with them during week, they look forward to Sunday and enter God’s presence together with the Body of Christ with an expectant and teachable heart. So when God’s word is preached, their heart beats and their mouth responds. God’s “rhema” ministers to their soul (mind, will, emotion), lifts up their spirit, and fuels their passion to live out the “rhema” of Christ.

One question remains, “Is the word (‘rhema’) near you?” Some may ask, how do I know? Well, look at your own life and ask, “Is the “rhema” in your mouth and heart?” How ready are you to testify Jesus to your friends? How willingly are you to share God’s word to others? Or put it another way, “How fearful are you when it comes to share your faith in public (in office, neighborhood, church, online, etc)? If you were asked this Sunday to share on how you met Jesus, are you ready? Your 'no' (regardless of your rationales) will tell you. This is how you know whether the “rhema” is near you, in your mouth and heart. No guilt, no shame, but be convicted by God’s word. His word endures forever! Amen.

Pastor Lap

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