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Pastor Lap Dinh


Updated: Feb 17

(Further reflections on "The Fear & The Way"--Sunday 11-Feb-2024)

In Maslow's pyramid of needs, security is located at the second level, following physiological needs like food and water, and self-actualization at the top.  Although this model/concept of human needs appears to be practical and helpful, it is still human-centered. Thus, it does not and probably cannot address the core of human heart which is innately sinful and self-centered by nature, even when moving to the highest level of needs (according to Maslow), that is, self-actualization- a desire to reach one's full potential, live authentically, and achieve personal growth.  This basically says, "I want, therefore I need. Thus, I am. " This is my interpretation of Maslow's explanation. In this line of thinking, life is about climbing up the "ladder of needs." Life's goals and purposes are the pursuit of personal happiness and satisfaction. This therefore, a life of "self-actualization" is a life of "self-worship"--idolatry. This is an abomination in God's sight.

Now in God's word, life's protection or security is not seen as a need but as the blessed outcome of living under God's providence and trusting His active care through believing in Him and His word, and whose wisdom is given to the righteous (cf. Proverbs 10:25; 30), for all human (spiritual, soulful, physical) needs. And the righteous are those who do not want to be wise in their own eyes or definition but believing, trusting, and obeying God's instructions. They will never be removed from His wisdom and are established forever in His presence. On the contrary, without knowing God's word and not living it out, people will never be able to find out the purpose and meaning of their life. They will wander in their own unending definition of needs 'til death brings them to a place of the dead without God's presence, since it was not their life's first and top-priority need anyway.

Again, is security a need? According to God's word, it is NOT a need but an outcome of living out God's instructions in one's life through one's faith in Christ Jesus--the ultimate wisdom of God who supplies all of our needs.  Therefore, we are called to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and other things, including security will be added to you (cf. Matthew 6:33).



Pastor Lap

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