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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Weakness & Wow”—Sunday 19-Dec-2021)

Merry Christmas!

God came down, so that none of us needs to climb up. He came down and became one of us, so that none of us needs to repeat our Ancestors’ (Adam & Eve) sin, wanting to become God and be equal with Him (cf. Genesis 2:16-3:24). Our weakness is a result of sin. But God’s ‘weakness’ is a proof of His love for us. Jesus, being God Himself, came down to be with us; to let us see Him more clearly; to accept our weakness; and to show His love and to make it available to all people in the world. And everyone has an equal opportunity to see Him. However, the powerful will likely miss Him. The weak will likely see, recognize, seek, believe, and follow Him.

Christ, with full divinity and humanity, was born in a manger in a ‘guest room’ of a host who offered the best available space to an ordinary couple, Joseph and Mary. The Savior of the world came down to be a blessing to everyone who hears the Good News about Him, seeks Him, believes in Him wholeheartedly, and follows Him till the end.

Christmas is about the Good News of Jesus Christ and it can’t be seen from the position of power, but of weakness/lowliness. How do I know which position I’m viewing Christmas from? Well, here is just a quick example. Unforgiveness is a position of power. The power to hold someone guilty of charge. Forgiveness is a position of weakness that understands that the power of God is through Christ who bore our sin and took our weakness and clothed us with His love. Therefore, we must forgive one another. And if we don’t, not only will we miss the very Good News that we received and celebrated every year, but we might also be blind to who Jesus is and what He is doing in our life and in the world. So, knowing “WHO & WHAT” is critical! See you on Sunday 26-Dec-2021.

May the love of Christ and the peace of our Lord Jesus fill you, your family, and your loved one tonight. Have blessed Christmas! Love and blessings,

Pastor Lap

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