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Pastor Lap Dinh

FREEDOM & COMPASSION Sunday 23-Aug-2020


(Further reflections on “Being Controlled” — Sunday 23-Aug-2020)

We know that God’s law is spiritual and good. On the contrary, we are of flesh and blood and innately bad. We are prone to not do what we want but do everything we hate. It is because it is no longer us who do it but sin that dwells within us (cf. Romans 7:14–17). In some areas of our life, each of us has a fair share of struggling with sins (we are not talking about someone who deliberately living in sin without repentance). The Apostle Paul understood that when he wrote using the pronoun “I” (which could be himself or he was trying to speak from someone else’ shoes). By spelling out or describing the inner struggles, the Apostle Paul seemed to be vulnerable and compassionate toward Christians (both Jews and Gentiles) in the church.

We understand God’s Son — Jesus Christ (God Himself) is spiritual and good (and sinless). He fulfilled God’s law; paid all the penalties that were caused by sins under the Law; cleared all “debts” (sins) that were caused by violation/transgression of the Law, including those who are lawless (those who don’t know God’s law, they are a law to themselves) by absorbing them all resulted in His death, the ultimate sacrificial Lamb that atoned for all sinners who believe in Him — His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and returning. He had done all of that because of His love and compassion for human beings though not all who know Jesus, receive His love/compassion, and follow His truth, way, and life. He came to give eternal life to those who believe and follow Him. And the eternal life we have in Him begins here on earth. And life on earth is still full of struggles/battles/war with sins. He did not give up on us, so we should not give up on Him. Jesus has been showing God’s compassion to people, whether they are ‘home-coming’ prodigal sons/daughters”(cf. Luke 15:11–24) or the ‘staying-home’ sons/daughter (cf. Luke 15:25–32).

We ask, now what? We, as God’s redeemed sons/daughters, need to live compassionately toward both ourselves and other fellow believers. We are sinners saved (from eternal damnation) by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who is the source of our justification (being declared not-guilty under the Son), righteousness (being credited/considered having right relationship with God through the Son), and sanctification (a process being made holy — to be Christlike).

People might say, “It’s easier said than done.” Well, that’s true. But truly, truly, it’s easier to be under the Son than under the Law. This is exactly why we need to be reminded that all along we have been the ‘recipients’ of God’s compassion towards our struggles/sins. So it’s only right for us to be/become the ‘givers’ or ‘carriers’ of God’s compassion towards ourselves and others. Remember, we are not robots that are being programmed to do something to others before first doing it to ourselves. For example, the Bible apps are good instrument/programs to carry/speak God’s compassion to millions but the apps themselves don’t/cannot appreciate/receive/feel His compassion. So it is tragic if we are like the apps that might even speak God’s compassion to others but fail to have it for ourselves. Perhaps many people have tried to be nice/good Christians towards others and they really tried hard, but eventually they themselves got tired and others got tired of them also. Why? It is because they were not treating themselves nicely (we’re not talking about “narcissists” or “unrepentant sinners”). In other words, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to show compassion to others before we learn how to first show compassion to ourselves. God’s Son — Jesus who fulfilled God’s law has been showing compassion to all us, but not of all us know how to be compassionate to ourselves. Consequently, others usually don’t receive God’s compassion through us. This is not a guilt-trip, but guilt-free for those who learn to “die” to God’s Law, be “raised” with God’s Son, and continually stay “married” and live under God’s grace through/in God’s Son — Jesus Christ.

We agree that freely we received, so freely we give. Our freedom from sin and enslavement to Jesus Christ should instruct us to be compassionate towards ourselves and others. May we all learn to receive God’s compassion as we show compassionate towards ourselves and others. May His church be the compassionate church (by grace and truth) to the world who is struggling/battling with sins, wickedness, godlessness, and unrighteousness of all kinds.

With His compassion,

Pastor Lap

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