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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Wander & Wonder”—Sunday 12-Dec-2021)

Drifting is a ‘natural’ tendency of the ‘fallen’ human being. It is an aimless wandering from place to place. It is the condition of the heart and mind that is not leaning toward God’s word. Thus, wandering away from the Lord is a ‘natural’ choice. “How can a young man keep his way pure?” asked the psalmist in Psalm 119:9. And the answer is, by guarding our heart according God’s commandments/words. The psalmist expounded on “how to guard our heart.” Guarding is a serious business. Imagine what would happen if someone is responsible in guarding the factory or company or bank or school or home but neglects his/her responsibility nor take the matter halfheartedly, it can result in a serious loss or damage, not only just to that individual, but also to everyone else who is part of the community.

In a similar fashion, guarding one’s heart is a serious matter to oneself and his/her community. It requires wholeheartedness in seeking the Lord (cf. Psalm 119:10). This will prevent one from wandering away from God’s word and sinning against the Lord. How? Here are the steps (cf. Psalm 119:10-16) #1. By storing (internalizing/digesting/applying) God’s word in our heart.

#2. By remaining teachable (humility is key to learning) and having the attitude of “Is there something I can learn from this?” Instead of “I knew it. I’ve been there and done that. Nothing to learn here,” especially when it comes to studying God’s word.

#3. By declaring God’s word to yourself and others.

#4. By delighting (passionately reading/studying) in God’s word.

#5. By meditating (NOT emptying your mind but filling your mind) on God’s word and fixing your eyes on God’s ways—beholding God’s wonders.

#6. By remembering (chewing/reflecting) and not forgetting God’s word. Wait! But how? You know it but sometimes just don’t want to do it. Got it? Well, if someone who is thinking or in a habit of saying “Sunday is good enough for me” and hardly picks up the Bible and reads cover to cover annually, then hardly can he/she remember God’s word, even if he/she attended all 52 Sundays/year.

Drifting from God’s presence and wandering from God’s word happen naturally to each and everyone of us. It is inevitable due to our sinful nature. Therefore, it is only livable in a ‘co-working’ relationship (in humility asking the Lord to help us and in obedience doing what His word said) between God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and those who believe and trust Him.

And the outcome? Blessedness —not drifting from the Lord or wandering from His word and having the ability to behold, enjoy, appreciate God’s greatest wonder, the ‘heaven-breaking’ and ‘earth-shaking’ event—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! May this be the reality of each person who reads this reflection. Amen.

Pastor Lap

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