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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "Oneness"--Sunday 25-June-2023)

Going to the same club or eating at the same restaurant or studying at the same school or working at the same place or playing the same sports or attending the same church does not necessarily guarantee oneness in Jesus Christ.

We all (I assume) want unity or oneness. But how do I/we know if we are being one with Jesus and His Body—the church?

A.) Check your heart’s desire. What is your heart is after? After your own mission or Christ’s great commission? B.) Check your soul (mind, will, and emotion). Is your mind set on earthly things or the things of the Lord? (Be brutally honest.) Am I living my life according to my will or His? How often have I acted according to my (selfish) emotions and not Christlike ones? Is there a tangible evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (cf. Galatians 5:22-23)?

C.) Check your sharing. Is church something you do on Sunday? Or is your life being knitted together and interwoven with members of Christ’s Body—the church? Are you doing life together with the church or you know that you have a different life during the week and on Sunday, you ‘behave’ like a good/religious Christian?

D.) Check your testimony. How often do you find yourself testifying about Jesus with colleagues or friends or someone you know? Try this, ask your non-believing friends if they see Jesus in you or any evidence of the ’resurrected’ hope in your life. Or they see anger, disappointment, complaining, joyless, gossiping in your life pretty much like them who haven't met Jesus?

E.) Check your contribution and distribution. You might think that it’s easy to ask for help, but it’s not that easy. Obviously, we feel good when we give. But how about when we receive? Unless, we are humble and fully convicted of God’s grace, we may find it hard to seek help (due to losing face). Now when we give, we usually like to do ‘our way’, but we saw (cf. Acts 4:34-35) a beautiful picture of “needs-based” (and not wants) contribution and distribution in the Body of Christ with godly order ('apostles’ feet' = God’s appointed leadership). This is a distinctive mark from other social/commercial (marketing-driven) charitable works.

Now if the above questions do not seem to show that you are fully being one with Christ and His Body, don’t feel bad but just need to repent, pray, and start aligning your life with those aspects that you are missing out. It’s never too late. Being one with Jesus and His Body is being blessed by His presence, provision, and protection. Of course, the choice is still yours!

In Christ,

Pastor Lap

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