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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Fatherless Generation” — Sunday 6-Dec-2020)

You will know more or less the people by their fathers. When single men/women who are exploring the possibility of getting into serious relationship (getting married) or married couples who want to find out “clues” in solving their marital “matrix” of communication, practically they need to look no further than meeting and getting to know their parents. Guys, if you want to know how your future wife looks like in decades to come, go and see her mom. Ladies, if you want to know the man, ask him about his relationship with his dad.

Although those are just practical wisdom, they do have spiritual root. How a Christian relate to their parents says a lot about his/her relationship with Jesus Christ. Who our father is tells us a great deal about who we are. And who they are will tell us what they likely will do. We saw this (in John 8:39) when the Jews (those who sought to kill Him) said to Jesus, “Abraham is our father” and Jesus replied, “If you were Abraham’s children, then you would do what Abraham did.” What did Abraham do? He believed in God (cf. Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3). Now Jesus is God’s Son, who is also God Himself. So, anyone who does not believe in Him will not be His children!

We thanked God for our earthly father/parents, but we know for certain that they can never be able to satisfy and supply all our needs. We know that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23; cf. Genesis 3). So, chances are high that we will repeat what/how we have been fathered. Therefore, unless we are fathered by Jesus [who is wonderful Counselor, mighty God, eternal Father, and Prince of peace (cf. Isaiah 9:6)], we will be “fatherless” for life. And people who are “Fatherless” will likely be “Christless” and “Homeless.” They will find it hard to be at home with God, at peace with Jesus, and in good terms with His Body — the church.

When Jesus Christ is your wonderful Counselor, you will seek His counsels with willingness and intention to obey. When He is your mighty God, you will not fear but trust in His outstretched arms and mighty hands. When He is your eternal Father, you will see His marks (i.e. everything Jesus went through) tangibly in your life and will not desperately seek others’ acceptance/approval/love . When He is your Prince of peace, you will be restful in the restless world, because you know for a fact that you have a good, good, eternal Father! Now if/when this happens, other (lukewarm/religious) believers will be aspired and unbelievers will begin to wonder/ask you, “Who is your father?” And then you are proud and more than happy to tell them about Him (assuming you know and have a good relationship with Him)!



Pastor Lap

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