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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflection on “Devotion”—Sunday 2-April-2023)

Generally speaking, every serious, devout follower of Christ/Christians would like to see and experience God’s works in and through their life and the life of the church that they are part of. We like to be in awe (fear & trembling) of God’s work in/through our life in Christ. We like to experience sharing, caring and support for one another, and generous giving. We would love to praise the Lord and see others praising God fervently. We want to receive favor with people in work places and in the neighborhood. We long to see the lost being saved, returning to God through Jesus Christ, and added daily/weekly/monthly in Christ’s Body. God promised and told us this is possible and they are the outcome of our devotion.

Our devotion speak volumes of what we treasure and how they are being strengthened. Christians today may have devoted themselves to too many things, but not to ‘The Devoted Four’. People are prone to be molded into a cultural norm and worldly worldview without knowing it. Some may think the Bible is outdated, so they run to workshops on, e.g. church growth, marketing strategies on how to keep church members happy or how to attract other believers from other churches, etc. Thus, the biblical “Devoted Four” is being neglected by church leaders and members. To know where you are devoted in, simply check your daily/weekly/monthly calendar. Check on how time was/is being used. Will you see yourselves in this “The Devoted Four,” (1) Bible study; (2) Fellowship; (3) Holy Communion; (4) Prayer (Cf. Acts 2:42-47).

How often do you study God’s word? Do you do daily/weekly reading, reflecting, and feasting on the Living Word, the Living Water, the Living Bread? How often do you make time to join even just once a month LifeNet/Bible study in our church? Do note that there was no such thing like attending Sunday worship in church and studying Bible with another para-church ministry--If this happens, that individual is being ‘dismembered’ and is not being one with the Body.

How often do you fellowship. It only happens between Christ’s followers. Will you make time for it during the week? And on Sunday, will you clear your “to do list” like running errands and a million reasons for not to do it for quality time of fellowship over lunch, coffee, etc? If you are an introvert, you don’t need to join the big group after Sunday service. Find/ask a few folks to fellowship in a quiet place. If you’re an extro/ambivert, you will be like a fish in the water in our church.

How often do you miss the first Sunday of the month when we as the Body of Christ partake in communion? Do note that breaking bread at home or restaurant with your family is not the same as “holy communion,” which must be done with the whole congregation. How often do you pray? A few seconds before each meal? A few minutes in the morning/noon/evening time? A dedicated good block of time to pray each day? How often you come to church early to pray at 8:00a.m. and 8:45a.m.? Feeling guilty? You don’t have to. It just shows us where our devotion is so we know that if/when we are devoted to something else and not “The Devoted Four", we will reap what we devote to as a result.

May the Lord grant us strength as we come to really believe and devote ourselves to reading/studying of God’s word, fellowship, holy communion, and prayers. May we as the Body of Christ experience the promised and blessed outcome.


Pastor Lap

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