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Pastor Lap Dinh


Further reflections on "Good Works: Revisited" (Sunday 2-June, 2024) and "What Leads To Life?" (Sunday 9-June, 2024)

Good works are good in human terms, but they cannot justify sinners before the perfect Law of God nor bring them closer to the utmost holy presence of the Triune God. Good works, without starting and ending with Christ, are merely good social works that are humanly justified before human standards.

However, those who are justified by faith in Christ will live out God's good works through Jesus. Good works must start with Christ and end with Jesus. They are willingly submissive to rulers and authorities and at the same time obedient to God. In case the former is against the latter, we uphold the latter. Good works speak evil of no one, avoid quarreling, are gentle, and show perfect courtesy toward all people. We are guilty of these from time to time. Good works must avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, quarrels about the law which is unprofitable and worthless. We stay away from people, who gave been warned two times, who stir up division.  They are warped, sinful, and self-condemned. Additionally, good works are also to help those who have urgent needs, not wants. Good works will bear good fruits that exemplify the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).

Okay, I got it. But what if I cannot see any tangible evidence of the above? A good tree bears good fruits. So check the tree. Check the soil. Check your heart. Check the seed, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you really understand it? Are you living and growing in it? Or are you simply going through the motions or having a religion without a relationship with Jesus and His Body--the local church? Check your commitment. Where have you been spending time and investing your life in? One of the important aspects that you need to check is your past/present hurts/offenses. Are you being offended by constructive criticism? Have you learned to respond to even non-constructive ones? Have you ever tried responding to them by (a) Sharing the gospel that you have encountered and your testimony; (b) Remembering and sharing God's word; and (c) Asking a self-pointed question? If you haven't, please try it and share your experiences with us.

Now if you have read the above and have no ideas what they are all about or you find life boring and tired, chances are high that in your life, you lack praise and worship to God. Or perhaps you find it challenging to admit your wrongdoing or wrong thinking before others. Or maybe you have NOT been acknowledging God’s works through people's repentance in Christ. Or worse still, but still hoping, that you have been wandering away from the Lord for so long. Don't be drowned in self-pity, feel self-condemned or victimized. All you need to do is so simple, that is, repent and return to the Lord, for true repentance always leads to true life in Christ Jesus. Start with repentance and you will end in Christ. And needless to say, continue to stay/remain/abide in Him always. Amen.



Pastor Lap


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