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Pastor Lap Dinh


Updated: Jan 9, 2021

(Further reflections on “Entitlement”—Sunday 3-Jan-2021)

Everyone of us has a degree of entitlement since the Fall (Genesis 3). Cain felt he was entitled to have an explanation from God why did He did not accept Cain’s offering. So he might have silently cried out loud, “It’s not fair!” As readers, we might wonder why and felt the same. Cain’s sense of entitlement led him to eliminate the subject, his own brother, Abel.Similar to Cain’s situation, God did not explain or give warnings/reasons to Job. He did not know the conversation between God and the Accuser/Satan (cf. Job 1:6-12), but when disaster struck Job his family and himself (cf. Job 1:13-18) without any known causes/reasons, Job would have had shouted, “It’s not fair” or “Poor little me.” But instead, he “arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord’. “ And the Bible said, “In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.” (Job 1:20-22)

Entitlement robs our God-given joy and ultimately accuses God of wrong doing. How? Well, when someone hurts us intentionally or unintentionally we naturally feel entitled to “tit-for-tat” which can be in various forms, from outrage to upset, to withdrawal or “cold-war” silence or simply settling in “victim mentality”—blaming anything/anyone for our misfortunes.

Jesus died for our sins, so we can be free from sin and live a new life in Him joyfully regardless of what life circumstances hit us or people do to us (the good, the bad, and the ugly). If our joy is based on our feelings or circumstances, then our joy is very fragile and ready to be shattered at any moment.

Jesus did not promise us an easy life and ‘rosy’ path. He had experienced it and knows that life is full of suffering/trials/temptations. How are we going to do this? Well, He calls us (James 1:2-18) to do the following.

(1) First, to consider, count, think, believe, regard all (yes, all) things *JOY* when (not if, meaning, it’s just a matter of time) you and I encounter trials/temptations of all kinds. When your wife/husband/child or loved ones complain, consider it all joy as the day you guys first met. When you feel lonely, consider it all joy and go meet/talk to someone. When you get a pay cut, cut down your expenses and seek help. When you have a bad day, consider it joy because you are still alive. The list can go on and on.

(2) Second, to ask Him in faith (zero doubt) for His wisdom to live and navigate through circumstantial “landmines” of our life. When you are “accidentally” feeling entitled, pause for a moment, and ask God to grant you His wisdom to be humble, have servanthood mind, Christlike attitude, and forgive those who have hurt you. If you don’t know what to do or say in some circumstances, keep quiet and go to your “prayer closet.”

(3) Third, to stick together and remain steadfast with Him, His word, His people, and His Body—the church. Don’t compare our own situation with others. We are equally standing in Christ and under His grace and are one with the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. But each of us is a unique/special individual, whether rich or poor, whose life situation is “same same but different” and likely the Lord has “custom-made” for each of us a different “training/coaching/shaping/equipping” in life. When relationships get “soured” in church, at home, in your workplace, consider step #1, do step #2, and remain steadfast, loving the Lord and others as yourselves. Stick to the Word of God and not your feelings.

(4) Fourth, to not be deceived by life's circumstances and it can be anything, from being enticed/tempted by sins or upset with this pandemic or single/marriage/relationship/parenting problems/issues in life. It is easy and natural to be led by situations. When you hear yourself saying something like this, “Sorry, I’m late, because…” or “I can’t go to church, because…” or “I had a bad day/week at work, because…” or “I don’t join any weekday meeting or stay after Sunday services for fellowship, because….” The excuses can go on and on till you get tired of yourself and you begin to isolate or escape/run away from the situations/circumstances.

Now in case you didn’t know, life on earth is not fair. Neither God is (yes, you heard that correctly). If God is fair (as we understand), He would not let His Son die for our sins. He would have let everyone die in their own sin because they all deserve a place in Hell. Think about this, if you are fair and good parents, you would not let your innocent child to be imprisoned for a criminal who deserved jail sentence. And that’s exactly what God did. And this should cause us to be leaping in joy!God is not fair but just. We all, sinners, are justified by faith in God’s Son—Jesus Christ. Our joy bursts out by the justification and righteousness we have received through/in Christ Jesus. It was, is, and will never be a time and place we should be entitled to anything in life. We are but receivers of God’s grace, love, and mercy. Receivers give thanks and do not demand or act/live with entitlements.

May the Holy Spirit remind us as He ’chisels’ in our heart and mind to count/consider/think/believe/regard everything we have experienced in 2020 as well as whatever we are going to encounter in 2021, JOY!


  • Pastor Lap

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