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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Four Keys To Harmonious Living”—Sunday 26-Sep-2021)

You will be saying, “Yes and Amen” to the “Four Keys to Harmonious Living” (Romans 1-7) if you have been enjoying life in Christ with others in harmony. Now if you are struggling to think that I will never be able to do those keys in my life, then my encouragement to you is this: stop focusing on you/yourself and start fixing your eyes on Jesus and placing your heart/mind on His word continually (and do not give up). Harmonious living does not mean the absence of disagreements or conflicts. In fact, harmonious living is a decision or choice that you make even in the midst of disagreements or conflicts. Take some time to review these four keys (summary) to see which one you are missing out or struggling with.

Key #1. Obligation & Motivation (Romans 15:1-2) + Bearing the failings of the weak + Not self-pleasing, but others-pleasing (because of Christ)

+ Doing for others’ good and building them up in Jesus Key #2. Endurance & Encouragement (Romans 15:3-4) + Letting Christ & Scriptures be the blueprint for our living + Enduring alone is doubling the pain, enduring together is doubling the stamina/strength + Seeking the encouragement of the Scriptures daily.

Key #3. Oneness (Romans 15:5-6) + Being in one mind, one voice, in one accord in Christ

+ Being united glorifies God, our Father

Key #4. "Oneanotherness" (Romans 15:7)

+ Welcome/receive/accept one another as Christ has welcomed/received/accepted you + In this way, we glorify God the Father, our Lord.

If/when you have been faced with some challenges in your relationships at work or church or home, chances are high that one of the above elements is missing in your daily/weekly equation. If this is the case, here are some simple steps that you can begin with: (1) Seek the Lord in quiet time, prayers, and reading of His word; (2) Make time for corporate (Sunday) worship and fellowship (sacred conversations with believers in the church that you belong to); and (3) Ask for (professional/ or pastoral) help in dealing with areas/aspects of your (spiritual or emotional or sinful) struggles. May each and everyone of us experience harmonious living in Christ Jesus. If you have stories/testimonies to share about this, I would be thrilled to hear them.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Lap

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