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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on “Persecution & Joy”—Sunday 8-Ọct-2023)

There was much joy in that city (Acts 8:8). What were the ingredients of that contagious’ joy? From the immediate context (Acts 8:1-7), we noticed the following.

(1) Facing a great persecution right where they lived;

(2) Being scattered but not fearful of the persecutors;

(3) Being real with their emotion in the midst of persecution

(4) Facing imprisonment, danger, and possible death

(5) Being scattered but kept speaking about Jesus to people

(6) Paying attention and living out the gospel of Jesus;

(7) Witnessing God’s miraculous works in people’s lives.

Some may say, “That was what happened then, but are those still applicable for today?” The answer is a resounding ‘yes’. “Are you sure that even attainable or livable?” Well, let’s consider the following:

(1) Whether we like it or not, persecution certainly comes to those who desire to live godly(cf. 2 Timothy 3:12). It is not the question of ‘if,’ but ‘when.’ This means, those who do not desire to live godly will not be persecuted, since they live like the world. You are not convinced, aren’t you? Well, try to tell others about Jesus and invite someone for coffee or dinner and open Romans 1:18-32 or everyone’s favorite verse, John 3:16 but keep on reading verses 17-21.

(2) Imagine you have your dream job with a very good package but in your Job Description, the employer is going to put a clause saying, “You are to keep Jesus private in your life and you are not allowed to check Christian websites or read the Holy Bible even during lunch break. You must agree to work on Sundays (at least 70% of 52 weeks) when we request it.” What would be your response. Be honest before God and answer Him.

(3) Emotion is not a bad thing. In fact, God created it. Being real with our emotions and process them through Jesus—His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and returning.

(4) Whether one share the Gospel or not, every day through out Vietnam (according to 2022 stats), roughly about 17 people die of traffic accidents. Besides, from personal online activities to conducting business deals and unintentionally signing or getting involved in falsified documents, danger, possible death, and imprisonment are possible, too.

(5) After Sunday, everyone is scattered through the city for work. The question is, “Are you speaking Jesus to people around you in your work places where (modern ‘Pharaoh’) unbelieving bosses whose nature of the business will have some form of oppression or persecution?"

(6) Distraction is a norm and default mode in our days. Paying attention to God’s word and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ is worth pursuing and living. The question is, “Are you willing to do it? Better still, “Is it your lifestyle?”

(7) When was the last time you encountered Jesus in a very special way? When was the last time you witnessed God’s miracles and works in someone’s life because you shared the Good News to him or her?

Lastly, when was the last time you experienced joy because you lived out one or all the above? Is there much joy in your life, your work, your home, your family, your church? If not, speak the unstoppable joy of our Lord Jesus Christ to every situation you are facing today.

May the Lord grant us strength to put the above ‘ingredients’ of joy into our daily life. May we trust and obey even when we do not see immediate results. May there be so much joy in our life, from church to home and to our work places and neighborhood.


Pastor Lap

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