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Pastor Lap Dinh


(Further reflections on "The Pupil of Your Eye"--Sunday 28-May-2023)

What was written in our heart, our mouth will say , and our life will be instructed and guided by them- naturally and foolishly.

We are told that what the heart stores, i.e. evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, and slander (cf. Matthew 15:18-19), the mouth broadcasts. So an 'untrained' heart naturally runs into trouble, is lured by temptation, trapped by sin, and lives foolishly and sinfully. Solutions? A 'trained' heart (Proverbs 7:1-5)

(1) Train our heart to be a "storehouse" of God's words. How? Read His "Love Letter" (The Bible) daily. We have 365 days to get our heart filled with heavenly wisdom for our earthly living.

(2) Train our eye to see what God sees. How? God told us what He saw through His word. How we see is how we live. So we must see life through His lens. It is the only and right way to see. But be aware that if it is out of sight, it will be out of mind. Thus, we need to make His word tangible and visible in our daily life. We have 365 days to have our life vision aligned with God's wisdom and remember to guard it 24/7 as the most precious and valuable thing of your life.

(3) Train our heart to be an available 'tablet' for God's writing and embrace His wisdom as a "biological" sibling, whom we love, care, and protect. How? When we read God's word or hear His voice, let them be a 'permanent mark' into your heart. Then boldly live it out and proudly tell others about your "sibling" (God's wisdom).

Training takes time. So it is for a trained heart. And we cannot do it on our own. We need His Body--the local church that we are to commit to. God's wisdom is always relational. It is both personal and communal. A trained heart learns how to live wisely in life's "matrix" of relationships.

May we all desire to have our heart trained by His word. May we all surrender our heart to the Lord for His ongoing works in our life.



Pastor Lap

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