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Writer's pictureNLFVIETNAM


(Further reflections on "Harvest"--Sunday 7-Jan-2024)

Being slothful is not just a psychological condition but also a spiritual one, that is, being foolish which is not a result of lacking in intelligence but rather in stacking up disobediences by setting aside God’s word in one's life.

When the naive do not take God’s word seriously, they will slowly decline into foolishness. And when the fool keeps living foolishly for a period of time, their heart gets darkened and runs towards wickedness. And the path of wickedness is certainly destructive to both their own life and the lives of others who gets in touch with them.  The fool/wicked tends to like quick-rich schemes and quickly spend their instant earnings on their instant gratifications. So "diligence" is the last word they want to think or consider doing. Thus, they are unable to discern God's will/plan as they don't understand God's time nor do they care about their time for Him.  As a result, they will miss the call to be disciples of Jesus and carry out His great commission because there are many who "sleep during harvest."    Jesus doesn't want us to be discouraged. He stated the reality, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few" and urged us to "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." (cf. Matthew 9:37–38)

Though in reality, there will be only a few who will take this message seriously, may we all be like prudent sons/daughters who understand God's time and seasons for our life and begin to "gather in summer."


Pastor Lap

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